How To Build A User Interface For DAO Smart Contract p3
This guide focuses exclusively on implementing Write Operations—interacting with your smart contract to perform actions such as depositing funds, creating proposals, voting, and executing proposals for the DAO Smart Contract. By the end of this article, you’ll be able to:
Understand the Write Operations necessary for the DAO.
Implement these operations within the existing WalletContext.
Integrate these operations into your Next.js pages with intuitive UI components.
Handle transaction states and provide user feedback.
Ensure you’ve completed Part 2 of this series, where you set up the WalletContext for global state management and added a global NavBar.
Overview of Write Operations
Write Operations in a DAO involve actions that modify the blockchain state. These include:
Depositing Funds: Adding 0.001 STT to the DAO to gain voting power.
Creating Proposals: Submitting new proposals for the DAO to consider.
Voting on Proposals: Casting votes (Yes/No) on existing proposals.
Executing Proposals: Finalizing and implementing approved proposals.
These operations require users to sign transactions, incurring gas fees. Proper handling of these interactions is crucial for a smooth user experience.
Expand WalletContext with Write Functions
We’ll enhance the existing WalletContext by adding functions to handle the aforementioned write operations. This centralized approach ensures that all blockchain interactions are managed consistently.
Implement deposit
Allows users to deposit a fixed amount of ETH (e.g., 0.001 ETH) into the DAO contract to gain voting power.
import { parseEther } from "viem";
export function WalletProvider({ children }) {
// ...existing state and actions
// Deposit Function
const deposit = async () => {
if (!client || !address) {
alert("Please connect your wallet first!");
try {
const tx = await client.writeContract({
address: "0x7be249A360DB86E2Cf538A6893f37aFd89C70Ab4", // Your DAO contract address
abi: ABI,
functionName: "deposit",
value: parseEther("0.001"), // 0.001 STT
console.log("Deposit Transaction:", tx);
alert("Deposit successful! Transaction hash: " + tx.hash);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Deposit failed:", error);
alert("Deposit failed. Check console for details.");
// ...other functions
return (
// ...existing values
// ...other write functions
parseEther("0.001"): Converts 0.001 STT to Wei, the smallest denomination of Ether.
writeContract: Sends a transaction to call the deposit function on the DAO contract, transferring 0.001 STT.
Implement createProposal
Allows users to create a new proposal by submitting a description.
export function WalletProvider({ children }) {
// ...existing state and actions
// Create Proposal Function
const createProposal = async (description) => {
if (!client || !address) {
alert("Please connect your wallet first!");
try {
const tx = await client.writeContract({
address: "0x7be249A360DB86E2Cf538A6893f37aFd89C70Ab4", // Your DAO contract address
abi: ABI,
functionName: "createProposal",
args: [description],
console.log("Create Proposal Transaction:", tx);
alert("Proposal created! Transaction hash: " + tx.hash);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Create Proposal failed:", error);
alert("Failed to create proposal. Check console for details.");
// ...other functions
return (
// ...existing values
// ...other write functions
createProposal(description): Takes a proposal description as an argument and sends a transaction to the DAO contract to create the proposal.
Implement voteOnProposal
Allows users to vote on a specific proposal by its ID, supporting either a Yes or No vote.
export function WalletProvider({ children }) {
// ...existing state and actions
// Vote on Proposal Function
const voteOnProposal = async (proposalId, support) => {
if (!client || !address) {
alert("Please connect your wallet first!");
try {
const tx = await client.writeContract({
address: "0x7be249A360DB86E2Cf538A6893f37aFd89C70Ab4", // Your DAO contract address
abi: ABI,
functionName: "vote",
args: [parseInt(proposalId), support],
console.log("Vote Transaction:", tx);
alert(`Voted ${support ? "YES" : "NO"} on proposal #${proposalId}! Transaction hash: ${tx.hash}`);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Vote failed:", error);
alert("Voting failed. Check console for details.");
// ...other functions
return (
// ...existing values
// ...other write functions
voteOnProposal(proposalId, support): Takes a proposal ID and a boolean indicating support (true for Yes, false for No). Sends a transaction to cast the vote.
Implement executeProposal
Allows users to execute a proposal if it meets the necessary conditions (e.g., quorum reached).
executeProposal(proposalId): Takes a proposal ID and sends a transaction to execute the proposal.
Integrate Write Operations
With the write functions added to WalletContext, the next step is to integrate these operations into your Next.js pages, providing users with interactive UI components to perform actions.
Create-Proposal Page
Allow users to submit new proposals by entering a description.
description: Stores the user's input for the proposal description.
loading: Indicates whether the submission is in progress.
success& error: Handle user feedback messages.
The handleSubmit function undergoes validation, ensuring that the user is connected and has entered a description. It then calls the createProposal from WalletContext. It displays success or error messages based on the outcome.
The return statement contains the UI Components:
Label & TextInput: For user input.
Button: Triggers the submission. Disabled and shows a loading state when processing.
Alert: Provides visual feedback for success and error messages.
Fetch-Proposal Page: Vote and Execution
Allow users to fetch proposal details, vote on them, and execute if eligible.
loading, voting, executing: Manage the loading states for different operations.
error & success: Handle feedback messages.
The handleFetch function ensures the user is connected and has entered a valid proposal ID. It calls fetchProposal to retrieve proposal details, and displays error messages if fetching fails.
The handleVote function has the parameters for indicating the Voter support (true for Yes, false for No). The function processes Vote, by calling voteOnProposal with the provided proposalId and supportparameter. It returns success or error messages based on the outcome. It re-fetches the proposal to reflect updated vote counts.
The handleExecute function processes execution by calling executeProposal with the provided proposalId. It returns success or error messages based on the outcome, and re-fetches the proposal to reflect execution status.
The return statement contains the UI Components:
Label & TextInput: For inputting the proposal ID.
Button: Triggers fetching, voting, and executing actions. Disabled and shows a spinner during processing.
Alert: Provides visual feedback for success and error messages.
Card: Displays the fetched proposal details in a structured format.
Voting & Execution Buttons: Allow users to interact with the proposal directly from the details view.
Transaction States and User Feedback
Clear feedback during and after transactions enhances user experience and trust in your dApp. Consider using libraries like react-toastify for non-intrusive notifications. Example with Toast Notifications:
import { toast } from 'react-toastify';
// Replace alert with toast
toast.success("Deposit successful! Transaction hash: " + tx.hash);
toast.error("Deposit failed. Check console for details.");
The benefits of React Toastify are that it is non-intrusive andmodal alerts don't block users. It is also customizable, which allows developers to style and position as needed.
Test Write Operations
Thorough testing ensures the reliability and trustworthiness of your dApp. Here's how to effectively test your write operations:
Connect to a Test Network
Run your application using the command:
npm run dev
Your application will be running on localhost:3000 in your web browser.
Verify that the deposit is reflected in the contract's state.
Create a Proposal:
Go to the Create Proposal page.
Enter a proposal description and submit.
Confirm the transaction in MetaMask.
Check that the proposal count increments and the new proposal is retrievable.
Vote on a Proposal:
Access the Fetch-Proposal page.
Enter a valid proposal ID and fetch details.
Click Vote YES or Vote NO.
Confirm the transaction in MetaMask.
Verify that vote counts update accordingly.
Execute a Proposal:
After a proposal meets the execution deadline, execute it.
Confirm the transaction in MetaMask.
Ensure that the proposal's execution status is updated.
Monitor the browser console for any errors or logs that aid in debugging.
Conclusion and Next Steps
In Part 3, you successfully implemented Write Operations in your DAO front end:
deposit: Allowed users to deposit ETH into the DAO.
createProposal: Enabled users to submit new proposals.
voteOnProposal: Provided functionality to cast votes on proposals.
executeProposal: Facilitated the execution of approved proposals.
Congratulations! Using Next.js and React Context, you’ve built a fully functional set of Write Operations for your DAO’s front end. This foundation empowers users to interact with your DAO seamlessly, fostering a decentralized, community-driven governance model.
Continue refining and expanding your dApp to cater to your community’s evolving needs.