Tic Tac Toe Game

<m-group id="board" z="-20" y="0">
  <m-label id="winner" width="22" y="-5" height="5" content="" font-size="200" alignment="center"></m-label>

  <!--  horizontal lines -->
  <m-cube id="line-horizontal-1" width="22" z="1" y="21.5" color="black"></m-cube>
  <m-cube id="line-horizontal-2" width="22" z="1" y="14.5" color="black"></m-cube>
  <m-cube id="line-horizontal-3" width="22" z="1" y="7.5" color="black"></m-cube>
  <m-cube id="line-horizontal-4" width="22" z="1" y="0.5" color="black"></m-cube>

  <!--  vertical lines -->
  <m-cube id="line-vertical-1" height="22" z="1" x="-10.5" y="11" color="black"></m-cube>
  <m-cube id="line-vertical-2" height="22" z="1" x="-3.5" y="11" color="black"></m-cube>
  <m-cube id="line-vertical-3" height="22" z="1" x="3.5" y="11" color="black"></m-cube>
  <m-cube id="line-vertical-4" height="22" z="1" x="10.5" y="11" color="black"></m-cube>

  <!--  interactive cubes -->
  <!--  first row -->
  <m-label id="cell-1" width="6" height="6" x="-7" y="18" z="1" font-size="450" color="#ffffff" alignment="center"></m-label>
  <m-label id="cell-2" width="6" height="6" x="0" y="18" z="1" font-size="450" color="#ffffff" alignment="center"></m-label>
  <m-label id="cell-3" width="6" height="6" x="7" y="18" z="1" font-size="450" color="#ffffff" alignment="center"></m-label>

  <!--  second row -->
  <m-label id="cell-4" width="6" height="6" x="-7" y="11" z="1" font-size="450" color="#ffffff" alignment="center"></m-label>
  <m-label id="cell-5" width="6" height="6" x="0" y="11" z="1" font-size="450" color="#ffffff" alignment="center"></m-label>
  <m-label id="cell-6" width="6" height="6" x="7" y="11" z="1" font-size="450" color="#ffffff" alignment="center"></m-label>

  <!--  third row -->
  <m-label id="cell-7" width="6" height="6" x="-7" y="4" z="1" font-size="450" color="#ffffff" alignment="center"></m-label>
  <m-label id="cell-8" width="6" height="6" x="0" y="4" z="1" font-size="450" color="#ffffff" alignment="center"></m-label>
  <m-label id="cell-9" width="6" height="6" x="7" y="4" z="1" font-size="450" color="#ffffff" alignment="center"></m-label>

  let isGameOver = false;
  // Create tic-tac-toe board status
  let board = [
    ["", "", ""],
    ["", "", ""],
    ["", "", ""],

  const label = document.querySelector("#winner");

  // Track current player
  let currentPlayer = "X";

  const setMove = (selectedCell) => {
    selectedCell.setAttribute("content", currentPlayer);

  // Function to update board status
  function updateBoard(x, y, player) {
    board[y][x] = player;

  // Function to check for a win
  function checkForWin() {
    const winConditions = [
        [0, 0],
        [1, 0],
        [2, 0]
      ], // rows
        [0, 1],
        [1, 1],
        [2, 1]
        [0, 2],
        [1, 2],
        [2, 2]
        [0, 0],
        [0, 1],
        [0, 2]
      ], // columns
        [1, 0],
        [1, 1],
        [1, 2]
        [2, 0],
        [2, 1],
        [2, 2]
        [0, 0],
        [1, 1],
        [2, 2]
      ], // diagonals
        [0, 2],
        [1, 1],
        [2, 0]

    return winConditions.some(condition =>
      condition.every(([x, y]) => board[y][x] === currentPlayer)

  function resetBoard() {
    isGameOver = false;
    board = [
      ["", "", ""],
      ["", "", ""],
      ["", "", ""],
    const boardNode = document.getElementById("board");
    const labels = boardNode.querySelectorAll("m-label");
    labels.forEach((child) => {
      child.setAttribute("content", "");

  // Add click event listeners to cubes
  for (let y = 0; y < 3; y++) {
    for (let x = 0; x < 3; x++) {
      const cell = document.getElementById(`cell-${y * 3 + x + 1}`);
      cell.addEventListener("click", () => {
        if (isGameOver) return;

        if (board[y][x] === "") {
          // Update board status
          updateBoard(x, y, currentPlayer);

          // Visualize move
          cell.textContent = currentPlayer;

          // Check for win
          if (checkForWin()) {
            isGameOver = true;
            label.setAttribute("content", `${currentPlayer} wins!
Click to restart!`);
            label.addEventListener("click", () => {

          // Check for tie
          if (board.every(row => row.every(cell => cell !== ""))) {
            isGameOver = true;
            label.setAttribute("content", "It's a tie!\nClick to restart!");
            label.addEventListener("click", () => {

          // Switch players
          currentPlayer = currentPlayer === "X" ? "O" : "X";

<m-light type="point" x="10" y="10" z="10"></m-light>

MML Project -> https://mmleditor.com/projects/solar-purple-rodent-rJro1o

Last updated