If you used the Somnia Devnet you may get some issues adding the testnet to your wallet. You will first need to remove the Devnet.
To do this open the networks on metamask:
Then click the three dots next to the network and click delete:
This will remove the Devnet from you networks. You now should be able to add the Testnet!
You may find that metamask has defaulted to using an incorrect block explorer. You will notice this when you click on view on block explorer in metamask you get a page like this:
To fix this you need to update the block explorer in your metamask config for the Somnia devnet. First open metamask.
Now click on the network in the top right this will bring down the select network windoScroll to the Somnia Testnet and click the 3 dots to open the config.
Here click on the down arrow on the block explorer URL and click add block explorer URL
In the URL box type: https://shannon-explorer.somnia.network/
It will now default to using the somnia-devnet block explorer. You can check this by viewing a transaction on the block explorer
It should look like this:
Have fun exploring the Testnet!
The Somnia Testnet is LIVE. Share your feedback at help@virtualsociety.foundation
What is an RPC Node?
An RPC (Remote Procedure Call) node is a gateway between decentralized applications (dApps) and blockchain networks. It acts as a bridge, enabling communication and data exchange between the two.
Key Functions of RPC Nodes:
Information Retrieval: Users can query RPC nodes to fetch data from the blockchain, such as transaction history, block information, and smart contract data.
Transaction Broadcasting: RPC nodes allow users to broadcast transactions to the network, which are then validated and added to the blockchain.
Smart Contract Execution: RPC nodes can be used to execute smart contract functions, enabling complex interactions and automation.
Why are RPC Nodes Important?
RPC nodes play a crucial role in the functioning of decentralized applications and the overall blockchain ecosystem. By providing a reliable and efficient way to interact with the blockchain, RPC nodes empower developers to build innovative dApps and enable users to participate in decentralized finance and other blockchain-based activities.
The Somnia Testnet is LIVE. Share your feedback at help@virtualsociety.foundation
First, Connect your Wallet. You may use any desired wallet or Metamask (preferred)
Just the last step is to approve the Somnia testnet network in Metamask.
Or raise them in our
Developers who are deploying Smart Contracts and need Somnia Test Tokens, STT. Please join the .
Go to the #dev-chat channel, tag the Somnia DevRel, @emma_odia
and request Test Tokens.
You can also email developers@somnia.network
with a brief description of what you are building and your GitHub profile.
Add Somnia Testnet to your wallet through -
For lower latency RPCs and websocket connections, we partner with Ankr. .
If something is not working while building on Somnia Devnet, its Probably us
For any Feedback & Support -
and share with us.
Or raise them in our
Developers who are deploying Smart Contracts and need Somnia Test Tokens, STT. Please join the .
Go to the #dev-chat channel, tag the Somnia DevRel, @emma_odia
and request Test Tokens.
You can also email developers@somnia.network
with a brief description of what you are building and your GitHub profile.
- Click get STT, the native token of the Somnia Devnet
to chat with devs and raise issues
for updates
- Solidity development framework paired with a JavaScript testing framework
- Solidity framework for both development and testing.
Or raise them in our
You can create your from here. If you already have a wallet you may skip this step
Developers who are deploying Smart Contracts and need Somnia Test Tokens, STT. Please join the .
Go to the #dev-chat channel, tag the Somnia DevRel, @emma_odia
and request Test Tokens.
You can also email developers@somnia.network
with a brief description of what you are building and your GitHub profile.
Visit and Click on connect at the top right corner:
Click on Connect Metamask, to add into your wallet
Chain ID
Block Explorer
Alternative Block Explorer
The Tutorials section is designed to help developers quickly get started with building on Somnia. Whether deploying your first smart contract, exploring blockchain analytics, or using Ecosystem Partner resources, these hands-on guides will walk you through every step.
Each tutorial includes code samples, explanations, and troubleshooting tips to ensure a smooth learning experience. Start exploring and Build On Somnia
Developers who are deploying Smart Contracts and need Somnia Test Tokens, STT. Please join the Discord.
Go to the #dev-chat channel, tag the Somnia DevRel, @emma_odia
and request Test Tokens.
You can also email developers@somnia.network
with a brief description of what you are building and your GitHub profile.
Somnia empowers developers to build applications for mass adoption. Foundry is a tool for building Smart Contracts for mass adoption, making it easy for developers to create and deploy Smart Contracts to the Somnia Network.
Foundry is a blazing fast, portable and modular toolkit for EVM application development written in Rust.
This guide will teach you how to deploy a “Voting” Smart Contract to the Somia Network using Foundry.
This guide is not an introduction to Solidity Programming; you are expected to understand Basic Solidity Programming.
To complete this guide, you will need MetaMask installed and the Somnia DevNet added to the list of Networks. If you have yet to install MetaMask, please follow this guide to Connect Your Wallet.
Foundry is installed and set up on your local machine. See Guide
To start a new project with Foundry, run the command:
This creates a new directory hello_foundry
from the default template. Open BallotVoting
directory, and the open the src
directory where you will find a default Counter.sol
solidity file. Delete the Counter.sol
Create a new file inside the src
directory and name it BallotVoting.sol
and paste the following code:
Compiling the Smart Contract will convert the Solidity code into machine-readable bytecode.
To compile the Smart Contract, run the command:
It will return the response:
You can learn more about parsing arguments using flags by reading the Foundry book.
Deploying Smart Contracts to the Somnia Network is very straightforward. All you need the RPC URL and the Private Key froman Ethereum address which contains some STT tokens to pay for Gas during deployment. You can get some STT Tokens from the Somnia Faucet. Follow this guide to get your Private Key on MetaMask. To deploy the Smart Contract, run this command in the terminal:
You will see a status response:
Copy the Transaction hash and paste it into the Somnia Network Explorer. You will find the deployed Smart Contract address. Congratulations. 🎉 You have deployed your “BallotVoting” Smart Contract to the Somnia Network using Foundry. 🎉
NOTE: Contract Verification on SomniaScan is COMING SOON!
The Somnia mission is to enable the building of mass-consumer real-time applications. As a Developer, you must understand the quick steps to deploy your first Smart Contract on the Somnia Network. This guide will teach you how to connect to and deploy your first Smart Contract to the Somia Network using the Remix IDE.
This guide is not an introduction to Solidity Programming; you are expected to understand Basic Solidity Programming.
To complete this guide, you will need MetaMask installed and the Somnia DevNet added to the list of Networks. If you have yet to install MetaMask, please follow this guide to Connect Your Wallet.
Remix is an IDE for Smart Contract development, which includes compilation, deployment, testing, and debugging. It makes it easy for developers to create, debug, and deploy Smart Contracts to the Somnia Network. In this example, we will deploy a Greeter Smart contract, where we can update the state of the Contract to say “Hello” + Name.
Ensure you are logged into your MetaMask, connected to the Somnia Testnet, and have some STT Tokens. Get STT Tokens from the faucet.
Go to the Remix IDE and create a new file. Paste the Smart Contract below:
On the left tab, click the “Solidity Compiler” menu item and then the “ Compile Greeter.sol” button. This will compile the Solidity file and convert the Solidity code into machine-readable bytecode.
The Smart Contract has been created and compiled into ByteCode, and the ABI has also been created. The next step is to deploy the Smart Contract to the Somnia DevNet so that you can perform READ and WRITE operations.
On the left tab, click the “Deploy and run transactions” menu item. To deploy the Smart Contract, we will require a wallet connection. In the Environment dropdown, select the option: “Injected Provider - MetaMask”. Then select the MetaMask account where you have STT Tokens.
In the “DEPLOY” field, enter a value for the “_INITIALNAME” variable, and click deploy.
When prompted, approve the Contract deployment on your MetaMask.
Look at the terminal for the response and the deployed Smart Contract address. You can interact with the Smart Contract via the Remix IDE. Send a transaction to change the name.
Congratulations. 🎉 You have deployed your first Smart Contract to the Somnia Network. 🎉
Somnia empowers developers to build applications for mass adoption. Smart Contracts deployed on Somnia will require front-end user interfaces to interact with them. These front-end user interfaces will require middleware libraries to establish a connection to the Somnia Network and enable interaction with Smart Contracts. In this Guide, you will learn how to use the Viem Library to establish a connection between your deployed Smart Contracts on Somnia Network and your Front-end User application. You will also learn how to perform READ and WRITE operations using Viem. Viem is a TypeScript interface for Ethereum that provides low-level stateless primitives for interacting with Ethereum.
When a Smart Contract is programmed using any development tool such as RemixIDE, Hardhat or Foundry, the Smart Contract undergoes a “compilation” stage. Compiling a Smart Contract, among other things will convert the Solidity code into machine-readable bytecode. An ABI file is also produced when a Smart Contrac is compiled. ABI stand for Application Binary Interface. You can think of an ABI like the Interface that make it possible for a User Interface to connect with the Smart Contract functions in a way similar to how an API makes it possible to to connect a UI and Backend server in web2.
Here is an example `Greeter.sol` Smart Contract:
When the Greeter Smart Contract is compiled, below is its ABI:
The ABI is an array of JSON objects containing the constructor, event, and four functions in the Smart Contract. Using a Library such as Viem, you can perform READ and WRITE operations, for each of the ABI objects. You can READ the events, and other “view” only methods. You can perform WRITE operations on the “changeName” function. A cursory look at each ABI method will help you understand the function and what can be accomplished by interacting with the method. For example:
To use Viem, it has to be installed in the project directory where you want to perform READ and WRITE operations. First, create a directory and initialize a new project using npm.
Initialize a project in the directory by running the command:
Install Viem by running the following command.
To connect to the deployed Example Greeter Smart Contract using Viem, it is necessary to have access to the Smart Contract’s ABI and its Contract Address. Viem sets up a “transport
” infrastructure to connect with a node in the EVM Network and the deployed Smart Contracts.
We will use some Viem methods to connect to your Smart Contract deployed on the Somnia Network. Viem has a `createPublicClient` and a `createWalletClient` method. The PublicClient is used to perform READ operations, while the WalletClient is used to perform WRITE operations.
Create a new file index.js
Import the method classes from the Library:
The http
is the transport protocol for interacting with the Node of the Somnia Blockchain via RPC. It uses the default Somnia RPC URL: https://dream-rpc.somnia.network
. In the future developers can use RPC providers to avoid rate limiting.
To connect to Somnia, we will use the defineChain
method. Add the following chain definition variable:
We will start with setting up the publicClient
to read view
only methods. Set up a publicClient
where the default Transport is http
and chain
network created using the defineChain
Now that you have a Client set up, you can interact with Somnia Blockchain and consume Actions!
An example will be to call the greet
method on the deployed Smart Contract.
To do this, we have to create a file name abi.js
and add the exported ABI in the file.
In the index.js
we can import the ABI file and start calling methods on the deployed Smart Contract. Import the ABI:
Set Contract Address
This is an example Greeter Smart Contract deployed on Somnia Testnet
Write a Function `interactWithContract`:
Open your terminal and run the following:
You will see the response from the Smart Contract logged into the Console!
Congratulations, you have successfully performed a READ operation on your Smart Contract deployed on Somnia.
To perform a write operation, we will parse the `createWalletClient` method to a `walletClient` variable. It is important to understand that carrying out WRITE operations changes the state of the Blockchain, unlike READ operations, where you read the state of the Blockchain. So, to perform WRITE operations, a user will have to spend Gas, and to be able to spend Gas, a user will have to parse his Private Key from an EOA to give the Library masked permission to carry out transactions on behalf of the user. To read the Private Key from an EOA, we will use a Viem method:
Then, create a variable walletClient
The variable `$YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY` variable can be parsed using a dotenv file.
After sending a WRITE operation, we also have to be able to read the transaction to see the state changes. We will rely on a READ method to read a transaction, `waitForTransactionReceipt`. Update the `interactWithContract` function with the code below:
Save the file and run the node command to see your responses logged into the console.
Congratulations, you have successfully performed a WRITE operation on your Smart Contract deployed on Somnia. 🎉
Various developer tools can be used to build on Somnia to enable the Somnia mission of empowering developers to build Mass applications. One such development tool is Hardhat. Hardhat is a development environment for the EVM i.e. Somnia. It consists of different components for editing, compiling, debugging, and deploying your smart contracts and dApps, all working together to create a complete development environment. This guide will teach you how to deploy a “Buy Me Coffee” Smart Contract to the Somia Network using Hardhat Development tools.
This guide is not an introduction to Solidity Programming; you are expected to understand Basic Solidity Programming.
To complete this guide, you will need MetaMask installed and the Somnia DevNet added to the list of Networks. If you have yet to install MetaMask, please follow this guide to Connect Your Wallet.
Hardhat is installed and set up on your local machine. See Guide.
Start a new Hardhat project by running the following command in your Terminal:
This will give you a series of prompts. Select the option to “Create a TypeScript Project (with Viem)”
This will install the required dependencies for your project. Once the installation is complete, open the project directory and check the directories where you will find the `contracts` directory. This is where the Smart Contract will be added.
Open the Smart Contracts folder and delete the default Lock.sol
file. Create a new file, BuyMeCoffee.sol
and paste the following code:
To compile your contracts, you need to customize the Solidity compiler options, open the hardhat.config.js
file and ensure the Solidity version is 0.8.28
and then run the command:
It will return the response:
This will compile the Solidity file and convert the Solidity code into machine-readable bytecode. By default, the compiled artifacts will be saved in the newly created artifacts
The next step is to deploy the contracts to the Somnia Network. In Hardhat, deployments are defined through Ignition Modules. These modules are abstractions that describe a deployment, specifically, JavaScript functions that process the file you want to deploy.
Open the ignition
directory inside the project root's directory, then enter the directory named modules
. Delete the Lock.ts
file. Create a deploy.ts
file and paste the following code:
Open the hardhat.config.js
file and update the network information by adding Somnia Network to the list of networks. Copy your Wallet Address Private Key from MetaMask, and add it to the accounts section. Ensure there are enough STT Token in the Wallet Address to pay for Gas. You can get some from the Somnia Faucet.
The "0xPRIVATE_KEY" is used to sign the Transaction from your EOA without permission. When deploying the smart contract, you must ensure the EOA that owns the Private Key is funded with enough STT Tokens to pay for gas. Follow this guide to get your Private Key on MetaMask.
Open a new terminal and deploy the smart contract to the Somnia Network. Run the command:
You will see a confirmation message asking if you want to deploy to the Somnia Network. Answer by hitting “y” on your keyboard. This will confirm the deployment of the Smart Contract to the Somnia Network.
Congratulations. 🎉 You have deployed your “BuyMeCoffee” Smart Contract to the Somnia Network using Hardhat. 🎉
The Somnia mission is to enable the development of mass-consumer real-time applications. To achieve this as a developer, you will need to build applications that are Token enabled, as this is a requirement for many Blockchain applications. This guide will teach you how to connect to and deploy your ERC20 Smart Contract to the Somia Network using the Remix IDE.
This guide is not an introduction to Solidity Programming; you are expected to understand Basic Solidity Programming.
To complete this guide, you will need MetaMask installed and the Somnia DevNet added to the list of Networks. If you have yet to install MetaMask, please follow this guide to Connect Your Wallet.
Somnia Network is an EVM-compatible Layer 1 Blockchain. This means that critical implementation on Ethereum is available on Somnia, with higher throughput and faster finality. Smart Contract that follows the ERC-20 standard is an ERC-20 token; these Smart Contracts are often referred to as Token Contracts.
ERC-20 tokens provide functionality to
Transfer tokens
Allow others to transfer tokens on behalf of the token holder
It is important to note that ERC20 Smart Contracts are different from the Native Somnia Contracts, which are used to pay gas fees when transacting on Somnia. In the following steps, we will create an ERC20 Token by following the EIP Standard and also demonstrate the option to use a Library to create the ERC20 Token.
According to the EIP Standard, certain Smart Contract methods must be implemented adhering to the standard so that other Smart Contracts can interact with the deployed Smart Contracts and call the method. To achieve this, we will use the Solidity Interface Type to create the Smart Contract standard.
In Solidity, an interface is a special contract that defines a set of function signatures without implementation. It acts as a "blueprint" for other contracts, ensuring they adhere to a specific structure. Interfaces are crucial for creating standards, such as the ERC-20 token standards, allowing different contracts to interact seamlessly within the EVM ecosystem.
Create an Interface for the ERC20 Token. Copy and paste the code below into a file named IERC20.sol
With the Interface created and all the Token standard methods implemented, the next step is to import the Interface into the ERC20 Smart Contract implementation.
Create a file called ERC20.sol
and paste the code below into it.
We have implemented the various requirements for the ERC20 Token Standard:
: Initializes the token's basic properties.
Accepts the token's name
, symbol
, and the number of decimals
as parameters and sets these values as the token's immutable metadata.
Example: ERC20("MyToken", "MTK", 18)
initializes a token named MyToken
with the symbol
and 18 decimal places (the standard for ERC-20).
: Moves a specified amount
of tokens from the sender to a recipient.
It checks if the sender has enough balance and deducts the amount from the sender's balance, and adds it to the recipient's. It also emits a Transfer event to log the transaction and returns `true` if the transfer is successful.
: It allows a spender to spend up to a certain amount of tokens on behalf of the owner. It sets the allowance
for the spender to the specified amount
. The spender is usually another Smart Contract. It then emits an Approval event to record the spender's allowance
. It returns true if the approval
is successful. A common use case is to enable spending through third-party contracts like decentralized exchanges (DEXs).
: It allows a spender to transfer tokens on behalf of another account.
It checks if the sender has an approved allowance
for the spender and ensures it is sufficient for the amount and deducts the amount from the allowance
and the sender's balance and adds the amount to the recipient's balance. It also emits a Transfer event to log the transaction. It returns `true` if the transfer is successful. A common use case is DEXs or smart contracts to handle token transactions on behalf of users.
: Creates new tokens and adds them to a specified account's balance.
Calling the method increases the recipient's balanceOf
by the specified amount. It also increases the totalSupply
of the ERC20 Tokens by the same amount. A transfer event with the from address as address(0) (indicating tokens are created).
: Destroys a specified number of tokens from an account's balance.
It reduces the account's balanceOf
and decreases the totalSupply
by the amount. It emits a Transfer event with the to address as address(0) (indicating tokens are burned).
It is typically implemented in token-burning mechanisms to reduce supply, increasing scarcity.
: Public wrapper for _mint
. It calls _mint
to create new tokens for a specified to address. Allows the contract owner or authorized accounts to mint new tokens.
: Public wrapper for _burn
. Calls _burn to destroy tokens from a specified from address.
Logs token transfers, including minting and burning events. Parameters: from (sender), to (recipient), value (amount).
Logs approvals of allowances for spenders. Parameters: owner, spender, value (allowance amount).
The ERC20 Token is now ready to be deployed to the Somnia Blockchain.
On the left tab, click the “Solidity Compiler” menu item and then the “ Compile ERC20.sol” button. This will compile the Solidity file and convert the Solidity code into machine-readable bytecode.
The Smart Contract has been created and compiled into ByteCode, and the ABI has also been created. The next step is to deploy the Smart Contract to the Somnia DevNet so that you can perform READ and WRITE operations.
On the left tab, click the “Deploy and run transactions” menu item. To deploy the Smart Contract, we will require a wallet connection. In the Environment dropdown, select the option: “Injected Provider - MetaMask”. Then select the MetaMask account where you have STT Tokens.
In the “DEPLOY” field, enter the property values for the ERC20 Token:
“_NAME” - type string
“_SYMBOL” - type string
“_DECIMALS” - type uint8
Click Deploy.
When prompted, approve the Contract deployment on your MetaMask.
Look at the terminal for the response and the deployed Smart Contract address. You can interact with the Smart Contract via the Remix IDE. Send a transaction to change the name.
Congratulations. 🎉 You have deployed an ERC20 Smart Contract to the Somnia Network. 🎉
As was mentioned at the beginning of this Tutorial, there is the option to use a Library to create the ERC20 Token. The OpenZeppelin Smart Contract Library can be used to create an ERC20 Token, and developers can rely on the Smart Contracts wizard to specify particular properties for the created Token. See an example below:
The process for deploying this Smart Contract implementation built with OpenZeppelin is the same as Steps 3 and 4 above.
This tutorial will guide you through deploying a Smart contract to the Somnia Devnet using Thirdweb’s command-line tool (`thirdweb deploy`). Thirdweb simplifies deployment and interaction with smart contracts on Somnia.
This guide is not an introduction to Solidity Programming; you are expected to understand Basic Solidity Programming.
To complete this guide, you will need MetaMask installed and the Somnia DevNet added to the list of Networks. If you have yet to install MetaMask, please follow this guide to Connect Your Wallet.
Thirdweb CLI: Install globally with:
First, create a new folder for your project and initialize it.
This is a simple Greeter Smart Contract that any address can call the changeName
function. The Smart Contract has two functions:
- This function allows anyone to change the name variable. It stores the old name, updates the name variable, and emits the NameChanged
event with the old and new names.
- This function returns a greeting message that includes the current name. It uses abi.encodePacked to concatenate strings efficiently.
First, go to Thirdweb and create a profile. After you have completed the onboarding process, create a Project.
Go to the project settings.
Copy your secret key, and keep it safe. The secret key will be used to deploy the Smart Contract.
Go to the terminal and paste the following command to deploy the Smart Contract:
Select the solc
option to be true
in the prompts on Terminal.
Click the link to open the User Interface in your Browser to deploy the Smart Contract.
Enter an initialName. Select the Network as Somnia Devnet. Check the option to import it to the list of Contracts in your Thirdweb Dashboard. Click on Deploy Now
and approve the Metamask prompts.
Your Smart Contract is deployed, and you can view it on your Thirdweb Dashboard.
Visit the Explorer section to simulate interactions with your deployed Smart Contract and carry out actual transactions.
Congratulations. 🎉 You have deployed your Smart Contract to the Somnia Network using Thirdweb. 🎉
Run the command below to start a NextJS project:
Select Typescript, TailWind CSS, and Page Router in the build options.
Change the directory into the project folder. Delete the code inside of the <main>
tags and replace them with the following:
The next step is to set up the React State methods and the ViemJS methods that we will require:
To connect to Somnia, we will use the defineChain
method. Add the following chain definition variable:
State allows us to manage changing data in the User Interface. For this example application, we are going to manage two states:
When we can read the User's Address
When a User is connected (Authorization)
Add the states inside the export statement:
Now that the States are declared, we can declare a function to handle the MetaMask authentication process on Somnia Network.
Add the function below inside the export statement:
MetaMask connection is set up, and the final step is to test the connection via the User Interface. Update the <p>Hello, World!</p>
in the return statement to the following:
Open your terminal and run the following command to start the app:
The Somnia Testnet is very early, and there may be bugs. Any issues, please: Share your feedback at help@virtualsociety.foundation
To Request for Somnia Testnet Token, Click on Get STT Tokens button.
Click on "Get STT"
You should have it in your wallet
You can Select Somnia Testnet and See your tokens
Click on Send Tokens
Send STT tokens to your Desired Wallet address or a random address
Check our Activity Section in Metamask
Somnia is a high-performance, cost-efficient EVM-compatible Layer 1 blockchain capable of processing over 1,000,000 transactions per second (TPS) with sub-second finality. It is suitable for serving millions of users and building real-time mass-consumer applications like games, social applications, metaverses, and more, all fully on-chain.
In early MVPs, the Somnia blockchain achieved 1,000,000 TPS running over 100 nodes distributed globally. This TPS was ERC-20 transfers between several hundred thousand accounts. Our next step will be deploying Uniswap, measuring how many swaps per second our chain can do, and simulating a real-world NFT mint similar to the Otherside other deed mint. This actual user workload-style benchmarking is a true way to assess blockchain performance.
Somnia has four key innovations in blockchain architecture to achieve this performance level:
Initialize a Next.js project.
Add a global NavBar in _app.js
so it appears on every page.
You will have a basic skeleton of a DApp, ready for READ/WRITE operations and UI components —topics we’ll cover in the subsequent articles.
This guide is not an introduction to JavaScript Programming; you are expected to understand JavaScript.
To create a NextJS project, run the command:
Accept the prompts and change directory into the folder after the build is completed.
This gives you a minimal Next.js setup with a pages folder (holding your routes), a public folder (for static assets), and config files.
If you plan to style your app with Tailwind, install and configure it now:
Then edit your tailwind.config.js:
Finally, include Tailwind in styles/globals.css:
Create a folder and name it contexts
at the project root or inside pages
Inside it, create a file called walletcontext.js
add the following code to the file:
We parse three class methods from React: createContext
, useContext
, anduseState
is a custom hook, so any page or component can do:
to access the global wallet state i.e. any of the Wallet.Provider
triggers the MetaMask connection flow.
manages State and Methods in the application.
Next.js automatically uses pages/_app.js
to initialize every page. We will wrap the entire app in the WalletProvider
inside _app.js
and inject a NavBar
menu that appears site-wide in the application
and add the code:<WalletProvider>
wraps the entire <Component />
tree so that every page can share the same wallet state.
<NavBar />
is placed above <main>
, so it’s visible on all pages. We give <main>
a pt-16 to avoid content hiding behind a fixed navbar.
Create a sub directory components and add a file called navbar.js
Add the code:
It uses useWallet()
to read the global connected
and address
states, and the disconnectWallet
function. The truncated address
is displayed if a user is logged into the App or “Not connected” otherwise. A Logout button calls disconnectWallet()
to reset the global state.
Start the dev server:
Open http://localhost:3000 in a Web Browser. You should see your NavBar at the top.
Because we haven’t built any advanced pages yet, you will see a blank home page. The important part is that your WalletContext and global NavBar are in place and ready for the next steps.
Article 2 shows you how to implement READ/WRITE operations (e.g., deposit, create proposals, vote, etc.) across different Next.js pages—using the same WalletContext to handle contract calls.
Article 3 will focus on UI components, like forms, buttons, and event handling, tying it all together into a polished user interface.
Congratulations! You have a clean foundation, a Next.js project configured with Tailwind, a global context to manage wallet states, and a NavBar appearing across all routes. This sets the stage for adding contract interactions and advanced UI flows in the subsequent articles. Happy building!
The Partner Tutorials section provides step-by-step guides on integrating Somnia with leading Web3 tools and services. Across various Infrastructure providers, these tutorials help you leverage partner ecosystems to build scalable and efficient blockchain applications.
Whether deploying dApps, integrating wallets, or optimizing smart contract interactions, these guides will ensure a smooth development experience. Explore the best tools to enhance your build and Build On Somnia!
Before we begin, ensure you have the following:
This guide is not an introduction to JavaScript Programming; you are expected to understand JavaScript.
Familiarity with React and Next.js is assumed.
Open your terminal and run the following commands to set up a new Next.js project:
Install the required Dependencies which are wagmi
, viem
, @tanstack/react-query
, and connectkit
. Run the following command:
Since wagmi
doesn't include the Somnia network by default, we'll define it manually.
Create a new directory named lib
in the app directory. Inside this directory, create a file named chains.tsx
and add the following code:
We'll set up several providers to manage the application's state and facilitate interactions with the blockchain.
Create a components
directory in the app folder. Inside the components directory, create a file named ClientProvider.tsx
with the following content:
In the app directory, locate the layout.tsx
file and update it as follows:
We'll create a simple home page that allows users to connect their wallets and displays their address upon connection.
In the app directory, locate the page.tsx
file and update it as follows:
To run the application, start the Development Server by running the following command:
Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000
. You should see the ConnectKit button, allowing users to connect their wallets to the Somnia network.
You've successfully integrated ConnectKit with the Somnia Network in a Next.js application. This setup provides a foundation for building decentralized applications on Somnia, enabling seamless wallet connections and interactions with the Somnia Network.
For further exploration, consider adding features such as interacting with smart contracts, displaying user balances, or implementing transaction functionalities.
is a complete web3 development framework that offers everything you need to connect your apps or games to the Somnia network. Its service allows developers to build, manage, and analyze their Web3 applications.
You can write your Smart Contract using the to ensure it works. Create a file OpenGreeter.sol
and add the following code:
Somnia empowers developers to build applications for mass adoption. Developers who deploy their Smart Contracts on Somnia, will require a User Interface to Connect to the Smart Contract. To enable users connect via the User Interface, it is necessary to set up an authentication process where only authorized users can access the functionality on the deployed Smart Contracts, for example, to carry out WRITE operations. is a wallet library that developers can use to build login functionality for applications on the Somnia Network. In this guide, you will learn how to use the MetaMask Library to set up authentication for your User Interface App and connect to the Somnia Network. We will build a simple NextJS application to walk through the process.
is a TypeScript interface for Ethereum that provides low-level stateless primitives for interacting with Ethereum.
Viem sets up a “transport
” infrastructure to connect with a node in the EVM Network and the deployed Smart Contracts.
We will use some ViemJS methods to connect to your Smart Contract deployed on the Somnia Network. ViemJS has a `createPublicClient` and a `createWalletClient` method. The PublicClient is used to perform READ operations, while the WalletClient is used to perform WRITE operations.
The http
is the transport protocol for interacting with the Node of the Somnia Blockchain via RPC. It uses the default Somnia RPC URL: . In the future developers can use RPC providers to avoid rate limiting.
Go to localhost:3000
in your Web Browser to interact with the app and connect to Somnia Network via MetaMask.
You can read more about using Viem to interact with the deployed Smart Contract methods on Somnia Network .
Congratulations, you have successfully connected from MetaMask to Somnia Network. 🎉
Or raise them in our
To Proceed with this step, you should with Somnia Testnet
Developers who are deploying Smart Contracts and need Somnia Test Tokens, STT. Please join the .
Go to the #dev-chat channel, tag the Somnia DevRel, @emma_odia
and request Test Tokens.
You can also email developers@somnia.network
with a brief description of what you are building and your GitHub profile.
Developers who are deploying Smart Contracts and need Somnia Test Tokens, STT. Please join the .
Go to the #dev-chat channel, tag the Somnia DevRel, @emma_odia
and request Test Tokens.
You can also email developers@somnia.network
with a brief description of what you are building and your GitHub profile.
- through compiled EVM bytecode.
- a faster, more predictable database for storing blockchain state.
- a proof-of-stake, partially synchronous BFT protocol inspired by .
- to deal with increased node-to-node data traffic due to the throughput.
Somnia is supported by and . Improbable will develop some of the key technical components of Somnia, including the Blockchain, but the project will require a large and active community to fulfil its vision.
These docs have two parts. which will give you more information on the project and / for using the Somnia Devnet.
Somnia empowers developers to build applications for mass adoption. Smart Contracts deployed on the Somnia Blockchain will sometimes require building a User Interface. This guide will teach you how to build a user interface for a using Next.js and React Context. It is divided into three parts. At the end of this guide, you’ll learn how to:
Set up a global state using the Context API ( hook).
To complete this guide, you will need MetaMask installed and the Somnia DevNet added to the list of Networks. If you have yet to install MetaMask, please follow this guide to .
In many DApps, including this one, developers will manage Wallet connection and State globally so each page and component in the project can access it without repetitive code. This can be achieved by a following React patterns.
is used to create a that components can provide or read. In this example, we assign createContext
to the WalletContext
variable and call the Provider
method on each State and Function to make them available throughout the application.
Developers who are deploying Smart Contracts and need Somnia Test Tokens, STT. Please join the .
Go to the #dev-chat channel, tag the Somnia DevRel, @emma_odia
and request Test Tokens.
You can also email developers@somnia.network
with a brief description of what you are building and your GitHub profile.
In this guide, we'll integrate with the Somnia Network in a Next.js application. This will enable users to connect their wallets seamlessly, facilitating interactions with the Somnia blockchain.
To complete this guide, you will need MetaMask installed and the Somnia DevNet added to the list of Networks. If you have yet to install MetaMask, please follow this guide to .
If you encounter any issues or need assistance, join the.
This guide focuses exclusively on implementing Write Operations—interacting with your smart contract to perform actions such as depositing funds, creating proposals, voting, and executing proposals for the DAO Smart Contract. By the end of this article, you’ll be able to:
Understand the Write Operations necessary for the DAO.
Implement these operations within the existing WalletContext.
Integrate these operations into your Next.js pages with intuitive UI components.
Handle transaction states and provide user feedback.
Prerequisite: Ensure you’ve completed Part 2 of this series, where you set up the WalletContext for global state management and added a global NavBar.
Write Operations in a DAO involve actions that modify the blockchain state. These include:
Depositing Funds: Adding 0.001 STT to the DAO to gain voting power.
Creating Proposals: Submitting new proposals for the DAO to consider.
Voting on Proposals: Casting votes (Yes/No) on existing proposals.
Executing Proposals: Finalizing and implementing approved proposals.
These operations require users to sign transactions, incurring gas fees. Proper handling of these interactions is crucial for a smooth user experience.
We’ll enhance the existing WalletContext by adding functions to handle the aforementioned write operations. This centralized approach ensures that all blockchain interactions are managed consistently.
Allows users to deposit a fixed amount of ETH (e.g., 0.001 ETH) into the DAO contract to gain voting power.
: Converts 0.001 STT to Wei, the smallest denomination of Ether.
: Sends a transaction to call the deposit function on the DAO contract, transferring 0.001 STT.
Allows users to create a new proposal by submitting a description.
: Takes a proposal description as an argument and sends a transaction to the DAO contract to create the proposal.
Allows users to vote on a specific proposal by its ID, supporting either a Yes or No vote.
voteOnProposal(proposalId, support)
: Takes a proposal ID and a boolean indicating support (true for Yes, false for No
). Sends a transaction to cast the vote.
Allows users to execute a proposal if it meets the necessary conditions (e.g., quorum reached).
: Takes a proposal ID and sends a transaction to execute the proposal.
With the write functions added to WalletContext, the next step is to integrate these operations into your Next.js pages, providing users with interactive UI components to perform actions.
Allow users to submit new proposals by entering a description.
State Variables:
description: Stores the user's input for the proposal description.
loading: Indicates whether the submission is in progress.
success & error: Handle user feedback messages.
The handleSubmit
function undergoes validation, ensuring that the user is connected and has entered a description. It then calls the createProposal
from WalletContext
. It displays success or error messages based on the outcome.
The return statement contains the UI Components:
Label & TextInput: For user input.
Button: Triggers the submission. Disabled and shows a loading state when processing.
Alert: Provides visual feedback for success and error messages.
Allow users to fetch proposal details, vote on them, and execute if eligible.
State Variables:
proposalId: User input for the proposal ID.
proposalData: Stores fetched proposal details.
loading, voting, executing: Manage the loading states for different operations.
error & success: Handle feedback messages.
The handleFetch
function ensures the user is connected and has entered a valid proposal ID. It calls fetchProposal
to retrieve proposal details, and displays error messages if fetching fails.
The handleVote
function has the parameters for indicating the Voter support (true for Yes, false for No). The function processes Vote, by calling voteOnProposal
with the provided proposalId
and support
It returns success or error messages based on the outcome. It re-fetches the proposal to reflect updated vote counts.
The handleExecute
function processes execution by calling executeProposal
with the provided proposalId. It returns success or error messages based on the outcome, and re-fetches the proposal to reflect execution status.
The return statement contains the UI Components:
Label & TextInput: For inputting the proposal ID.
Button: Triggers fetching, voting, and executing actions. Disabled and shows a spinner during processing.
Alert: Provides visual feedback for success and error messages.
Card: Displays the fetched proposal details in a structured format.
Voting & Execution Buttons: Allow users to interact with the proposal directly from the details view.
Clear feedback during and after transactions enhances user experience and trust in your dApp. Consider using libraries like react-toastify for non-intrusive notifications. Example with Toast Notifications:
Install react-toastify
Inside the _app.js
In your WalletContext or Pages
The benefits of React Toastify are that it is non-intrusive and modal alerts don't block users. It is also customizable, which allows developers to style and position as needed.
Thorough testing ensures the reliability and trustworthiness of your dApp. Here's how to effectively test your write operations:
Run your application using the command:
Your application will be running on localhost:3000
in your web browser.
Deposit Funds:
Navigate to the Home page.
Click the Deposit button.
Confirm the transaction in MetaMask.
Verify that the deposit is reflected in the contract's state.
Create a Proposal:
Go to the Create Proposal page.
Enter a proposal description and submit.
Confirm the transaction in MetaMask.
Check that the proposal count increments and the new proposal is retrievable.
Vote on a Proposal:
Access the Fetch-Proposal page.
Enter a valid proposal ID and fetch details.
Click Vote YES or Vote NO.
Confirm the transaction in MetaMask.
Verify that vote counts update accordingly.
Execute a Proposal:
After a proposal meets the execution deadline, execute it.
Confirm the transaction in MetaMask.
Ensure that the proposal's execution status is updated.
Monitor the browser console for any errors or logs that aid in debugging.
In Part 3, you successfully implemented Write Operations in your DAO front end:
: Allowed users to deposit ETH into the DAO.
: Enabled users to submit new proposals.
: Provided functionality to cast votes on proposals.
: Facilitated the execution of approved proposals.
Congratulations! Using Next.js and React Context, you’ve built a fully functional set of Write Operations for your DAO’s front end. This foundation empowers users to interact with your DAO seamlessly, fostering a decentralized, community-driven governance model.
Continue refining and expanding your dApp to cater to your community’s evolving needs.
Palmera is a multi-safe and multi-chain treasury management platform designed to simplify on-chain financial operations. It offers a unified dashboard for managing multiple Safes across various supported chains, enhancing financial transparency and control for DAOs and organizations.
To enable mass consumer real-time applications to be built at web2 scale with web3 properties, creating a more open, equitable internet.
Applications that can scale to web2 usage levels (millions of CCU, 100,000’s of transactions per second)
Open censorship-resistant systems accessible to anyone with access to the internet
No one counterparty controlling and hoarding value
Composable systems where value is shared among the participants
Free movement of people and assets between platforms so creators and users have freedom of choice
A more open and equitable world.
We are committed to building technology to make fully on-chain, real-time mass-scale applications possible and practical. We believe this is essential for creating a composable, open internet.
We believe in a collection of applications, each with distinct, interconnected experiences, much like countries within a global community, sharing utilities that enhance mutual growth.
Central to our vision is the principle of composability—the ability for builders to build upon each other’s work, creating a culture of collaboration in which the collective output surpasses the sum of its parts.
We will empower builders with the freedom to build sustainable models of engagement and ownership. This includes safeguarding the rights to digital assets and creating an environment where innovation is not stifled by platform constraints.
The promise of the virtual society is in its potential for universal access, removing barriers for content creation and participation. Leveling the playing field such that anyone with an internet connection can participate and succeed.
Sequence is a smart contract wallet & account abstraction provider that enables gasless transactions and seamless user onboarding to dApps.
Thirdweb simplifies smart contract deployment, account abstraction, and Web3 development on Somnia. It offers gasless transactions, token management, and SDKs for seamless dApp building.
Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are an innovative way to organize communities where decisions are made collectively without centralized authority. In this tutorial, we’ll explore a simple DAO implemented in Solidity. By the end, you’ll understand how to deploy and interact with this contract.
DAOs can be particularly impactful in gaming environments. Imagine a massive multiplayer online game (MMO) with a shared in-game economy. A DAO can be used to manage a treasury funded by player contributions, allowing players to propose and vote on game updates, community events, or rewards.
For example:
In-Game Treasury Management: Players deposit some of their in-game earnings into a DAO treasury. Proposals for using these funds—such as hosting tournaments or funding new content—are created and voted on.
Player-Driven Governance: Gamers vote on new features like maps, characters, or weapons, giving them a direct say in the game's evolution.
Community Rewards: DAOs could allocate funds to reward top-performing players or teams, enhancing engagement and competition.
This decentralized approach ensures that game updates align with player interests, creating a more engaging and community-driven gaming experience.
Before starting, ensure you have:
This guide is not an introduction to Solidity Programming; you are expected to understand Basic Solidity Programming.
To complete this guide, you will need MetaMask installed and the Somnia DevNet added to the list of Networks. If you have yet to install MetaMask, please follow this guide to Connect Your Wallet.
You can deploy the Smart Contracts using our Hardhat or Foundry guides.
The provided DAO contract allows users to:
Deposit funds to gain voting power.
Create proposals.
Vote on proposals.
Execute proposals if they pass.
The key features of the contract include:
Proposal Struct: Stores details of proposals.
Voting Mechanism: Allows weighted voting based on deposited funds.
Execution Logic: Ensures proposals are executed only if approved.
Follow the Hardhat or Foundry guides.
Create a new file named DAO.sol in the contracts folder and copy the provided contract code.
Let’s break down the contract into its main components:
Mappings are used to store structured data efficiently:
Stores all proposals created in the DAO.
It represents the Proposal struct
containing details like description, deadline, votes, and proposer.
Tracks the voting power of each address.
Voting power increases when users deposit funds into the DAO.
Tracks whether a specific address has voted on a specific proposal.
Prevents double voting.
The contract includes several key functions:
Sets the deployer as the owner of the contract.
Allows users to deposit STT Tokens to gain voting power.
Increases their votingPower by the amount deposited.
Allows users with voting power to create new proposals.
Adds the proposal to the proposals mapping.
Allows users to cast a vote on a proposal.
Updates the yesVotes
or noVotes
in the Proposal struct based on the user's choice.
Prevents double voting by using the hasVoted
Executes a proposal if it passes (more yes votes than no votes).
Transfers a fixed amount of ETH to the proposer as an example of execution logic.
Ensures proposals cannot be executed multiple times.
Tracks the total number of proposals created.
Sets the default duration for voting on proposals.
Stores the address of the contract owner.
Used for functions that require administrative control.
Understanding these components shows how the DAO enables decentralized governance while maintaining transparency and fairness.
Follow the Hardhat or Foundry guides. First, compile the Smart Contract to Bytecode by running the Hardhat or Foundry compile instructions.
This is an example deployment script using Hardhat. Create a file in the /ignition/module
folder and name it deploy.js
Before running the deploy command, add Somnia Network to the hardhat.config.js
Ensure that the deploying address has enough STT Tokens. You can get STT Tokens from the Faucet.
Run the deployment script:
Use the Hardhat console or scripts to interact with the contract.
Call the deposit function to gain voting power:
Create a new proposal by calling createProposal:
Vote on a proposal by specifying its ID and your support (true for yes, false for no):
After the voting deadline, execute the proposal if it has majority votes:
Create a test file DAO.test.js in the test folder.
Run the tests:
You can expand this DAO contract by:
Adding Governance Tokens: Reward participants with tokens for voting or executing proposals. Follow the ERC20 Token Guide here.
Implementing Quorums: Require a minimum number of votes for proposals to pass.
Flexible Voting Power: Allow dynamic voting power allocation.
This tutorial provided a foundational understanding of building and deploying a simple DAO on Somnia. Experiment with enhancements to create more complex governance structures. DAOs are a powerful tool for decentralized decision-making, and the possibilities for innovation are limitless!
The Somnia mission is to enable the development of mass-consumer real-time applications. The Somnia Network allows developers to build a unique experience by implementing Smart Contract Wallets with gasless transactions via Account Abstraction (ERC-4337). In this tutorial, we'll use the Thirdweb React SDK to:
Connect Smart Wallets (Account Abstraction)
Read Wallet Balance
Send STT Tokens
Before we start, ensure you have:
Basic knowledge of React
A Thirdweb account & Client ID
Node.js & npm installed
Run the following command to set up your project:
This installs:
→ The Thirdweb React SDK.
→ To interact with blockchain transactions.
→ To securely store API keys.
Since Somnia is not preconfigured in Thirdweb, we manually define the network. Create a chain.ts
file and add the following:
The Thirdweb client allows the app to communicate with the blockchain. Create a client.ts
file and add:
Get your Client ID: Register at thirdweb.com/dashboard. 💡
Store API keys in a .env.local file:
Restart Next.js after modifying .env.local
To ensure Thirdweb Components are available throughout the app, wrap the children's components inside ThirdwebProvider. Modify layout.ts
The useActiveAccount
hook allows us to detect the connected Smart Wallet Account. We use ConnectButton
to handle authentication and connection to the blockchain.
This button will connect the user's Smart Contract Wallet and authenticate the user with Thirdweb. After connection, it will also display the wallet address.
To show the connected address, we add the following UI component:
The useSendTransaction
hook is used to send STT tokens to another address. The function sendTokens
will check that the Smart Account is connected and then send 0.01 STT tokens to a recipient address. First, copy your Smart Wallet Address and request for Tokens on Discord in the dev-chat, you can also Transfer some from your EOA.
Log transaction success or failure messages to the console.
The button UI provides a clear interaction for sending STT tokens. The button shows a loading state (Sending...) when the transaction is pending and displays a success or failure message once the transaction is complete.
The full implementation includes wallet connection, balance retrieval, and token transfer.
Congratulations! 🎉 You have successfully connected a smart contract wallet using Thirdweb. Read wallet balances and Transferred STT tokens on Somnia Testnet. You can explore additional features such as gasless transactions, NFT integration, and DeFi applications.
Somnia is built with a robust ecosystem of infrastructure providers that enable developers, projects, and businesses to integrate seamlessly with the network.
With Somnia's ecosystem of infrastructure partners, developers have access to scalable RPCs, smart contract tools, oracles, account abstraction, identity solutions, and analytics.
Each partner provides critical tooling, APIs, and services to power decentralized applications (dApps) on Somnia. Below is an overview of our key Infrastructure Partners and resources to get started.
Developers who are deploying Smart Contracts and need Somnia Test Tokens, STT. Please join the Discord.
Go to the #dev-chat channel, tag the Somnia DevRel, @emma_odia
and request Test Tokens.
You can also email developers@somnia.network
with a brief description of what you are building and your GitHub profile.
DIA Oracles provide secure, customizable, and decentralized price feeds that can be integrated into smart contracts on the Somnia Testnet. This guide will walk you through how to access on-chain price data, understand the oracle’s functionality, and integrate it into your Solidity Smart Contracts.
DIA Oracle contract address:
Pricing Methodology: MAIR
Deviation Threshold: 0.5% (Triggers price update if exceeded)
Refresh Frequency: Every 120 seconds
Heartbeat: Forced price update every 24 hours
DIA oracles continuously fetch and push asset prices on-chain using an oracleUpdater, which operates within the DIAOracleV2
contract. The oracle uses predefined update intervals and deviation thresholds to determine when price updates are necessary.
Each asset price feed has an adapter contract, allowing access through the AggregatorV3Interface. You can use the methods getRoundData
and latestRoundData
to fetch pricing information. Learn more here.
DIA has a dedicated Solidity library to facilitate the integration of DIA oracles in your own contracts. The library consists of two functions, getPrice
and getPriceIfNotOlderThan
Returns the price of a specified asset along with the update timestamp.
Checks if the oracle price is older than maxTimePassed
The following contract provides an integration example of retrieving prices and verifying price age.
Percentage threshold that triggers a price update when exceeded.
Refresh Frequency
Time interval for checking and updating prices if conditions are met.
Trade Window
Time interval used to aggregate trades for price calculation.
Forced price update at a fixed interval.
If you need further assistance integrating DIA Oracles, reach out through DIA’s official documentation and ask your questions in the #dev-support channel on Discord.
Developers can build secure, real-time, and on-chain financial applications with reliable pricing data by integrating DIA Oracles on Somnia.
The blockchain is an ever-growing database of transactions and Smart Contract events. Developers use subgraphs, an indexing solution provided by the Graph protocol, to retrieve and analyze this data efficiently.
A graph in this context represents the structure of blockchain data, including token transfers, contract events, and user interactions. A subgraph is a customized indexing service that listens to blockchain transactions and structures them in a way that can be easily queried using GraphQL.
This guide is not an introduction to Solidity Programming; you are expected to understand Basic Solidity Programming.
GraphQL is installed and set up on your local machine.
We will deploy a basic ERC20 token on the Somnia network using Hardhat. Ensure you have Hardhat, OpenZeppelin, and dotenv installed:
Create a new Solidity file: contracts/MyToken.sol
and update it
Create a new file in ignition/modules/MyTokenModule.ts
Open the hardhat.config.js file and update the network information by adding Somnia Network to the list of networks. Copy your Wallet Address Private Key from MetaMask, and add it to the accounts section. Ensure there are enough STT Token in the Wallet Address to pay for Gas. You can get some from the Somnia Faucet.
Open a new terminal and deploy the smart contract to the Somnia Network. Run the command:
This will deploy the ERC20 contract to the Somnia network and return the deployed contract address.
Once deployed, we will create a script to generate multiple transactions on the blockchain.
Create a new file scripts/interact.js
Create an .env
file to hold sensitive informations such as the private keys
This will generate several on-chain transactions for our subgraph to index.
Go to https://somnia.chain.love/ and connect your Wallet.
First, you need to create a private key for deploying subgraphs. To do so, please go to Somnia Protofire Service and create an Account.
You are now able to create subgraphs. Click the create button and enter the required details.
After initialising the subgraph on https://somnia.chain.love/ the next step is to create and deploy the subgraph via the terminal.
Then, update networks.json to use Somnia’s RPC
📁 Edit schema.graphql
Once your subgraph is deployed and indexing blockchain data on Somnia, you can retrieve information using GraphQL queries. These queries allow you to efficiently access structured data such as token transfers, approvals, and contract interactions without having to scan the blockchain manually.
Developers can query indexed blockchain data in real time using the Graph Explorer or a GraphQL client. This enables DApps, analytics dashboards, and automated systems to interact more efficiently with blockchain events.
This section demonstrates how to write and execute GraphQL queries to fetch blockchain data indexed by the subgraph. Go to https://somnia.chain.love/graph/17
This tutorial provides a complete pipeline for indexing blockchain data on Somnia using The Graph! 🔥
Subgraphs allow developers to efficiently query Somnia blockchain data using GraphQL, making it easy to index and retrieve real-time blockchain activity. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to:
Fetch blockchain data from a Subgraph API
Fix CORS errors using a NextJS API route
Display token transfers in a real-time UI
By the end of this guide, you'll have a fully functional UI that fetches and displays token transfers from Somnia’s Subgraph API.
Basic knowledge of React & Next.js.
A deployed Subgraph API on Somnia (or use an existing one).
Account on https://somnia.chain.love see guide.
Start by creating a new Next.js app.
Then, install required dependencies.
Create a .env.local file in the root folder.
💡 Note: Restart your development server after modifying .env.local:
Since the Somnia Subgraph API has CORS restrictions, we’ll use a NextJS API route to act as a proxy.
Inside the app directory create the folder paths api/proxy
and add a file route.ts
Update the route.ts
file with the following code:
This code allows your frontend to make requests without triggering CORS errors.
Now that we have the API set up, let’s build a React component that:
Sends the GraphQL query using fetch()
Stores the fetched data using useState()
Displays the token transfers in a simple UI
To fetch the latest 10 token transfers, we’ll use this GraphQL query:
This code fetches the last 10 transfers (first: 10) and orders them by timestamp (latest first). It retrieves wallet addresses (from, to) and the amount transferred (value) and includes the transaction hash (used to generate an explorer link).
Now, let’s integrate the query into our NextJS frontend. Create a folder components
and add a file TokenTransfer.ts
We use useState()
to store transfer data and useEffect()
to fetch it when the component loads.
Once data is fetched, we render it inside the UI.
The UI shows a loading message while data is being fetched. When data is ready, it displays the latest 10 token transfers. It formats transaction values (value / 1e18) to show the correct STT amount and provides a link to view each transaction on Somnia Explorer.
Update the page.tsx file:
Restart the development server:
Now your NextJS UI dynamically fetches and displays token transfers from Somnia’s Subgraph! 🔥
Somnia also includes its own database called IceDB. It has three key properties:
1. Deterministic performance
2. In-memory cache with read promotions
3. Built-in snapshotting
This means that reads from these databases can hit RAM or many different places on disk. Depending on where the value is stored, the latency difference is enormous, differing by up to 1000x.
So, how much gas should a user be charged for a read? Should we assume the worst-case scenario that every read hits disk multiple times? Or should we assume some amount will hit memory? The former drastically limits the speed of your blockchain, and the latter allows an attacker to critically slow down your chain.
Could we time the read on each node and charge the user based on how long the request took? Unfortunately not, as this would not be deterministic across nodes (LevelsDB, RocksDB, etc., make no attempt to store data in deterministic places). Therefore, we can not change the gas based on this information.
Somnia's IceDb has been built from the ground up to have fully deterministic performance. Every read and write to IceDb returns the result and a "performance report". This report details exactly how many cold cache lines were read from RAM, and exactly how many disk pages were read from the SSD.
Due to this information being deterministic, we can charge the user based on the actual load they put on the system. Reads that accessed frequent data (and therefore hit RAM) use less gas, and we can then fit more into the block.
As mentioned above, databases that persist to the disk often have an in-memory cache which attempts to store frequently accessed data in RAM, to serve frequent data with a much lower latency.
Most databases tend to optimise for either read or write. With Somnia, we have created a cache that can do both. This enables the average read/writes of IceDB to be between 15-100 nanoseconds.
Blockchains require all nodes to periodically agree on exactly which state is in the blockchain after a given block.
Most blockchains use a data structure such as a Merkle tree to retrieve a single-state hash that encapsulates all of the data in the blockchain. Merkle trees allow this hash to be updated with every write with reasonable performance while allowing proofs of a particular piece of state to be generated for parties without access to the database.
Most blockchains then store each node in this Merkle tree as standard keys into their database. This makes reads or writes from this tree very expensive, as every single node can result in massive latencies from these embedded databases.
The reality, however, is the data structure that these databases use under the hood (a log structured merge tree) already lends itself to a tree formation, with vast sections stored immutably on disk. IceDB utilises this underlying immutable structure to support first class state snapshots, without needing the user space execution engine to store a Merkle tree using the databases' key value abstraction.
This massively accelerates the performance of IceDB, and reduces the amount of overhead for each value.
The Somnia blockchain has many innovations that enable it to increase performance by several orders of magnitude compared to other EVM chains:
Independent Data Chains - Each validator operates its own blockchain, or “data chain,” which allows for independent block production. This unique approach eliminates the need for a consensus mechanism within individual data chains, streamlining the data processing workflow.
Consensus Chain - A separate blockchain aggregates the heads of all data chains, employing a modified PBFT algorithm for proof of stake consensus. This structure decouples data production from the consensus process, significantly enhancing overall efficiency.
Web3 has created a new era of decentralised finance, democratising financial access. However, it has fallen short in generating mass consumer applications and remains largely centred around finance. We believe blockchain technology is a cornerstone for the future of new, open Internet applications.
Today, there are limits to what you can build on-chain. Many factors constrain this, from the cost of running applications to the fundamental performance limitations of existing blockchains. We believe that new technologies can unlock a new class of real-time applications that normally must be built on Web2 foundations. Enabling these systems to be built on-chain will allow the free movement of businesses and users between online platforms, creating what we call a true virtual society.
We are building Somnia, a fast and cost-effective EVM-based blockchain, to achieve this. Somnia is a layer-one blockchain with full EVM compatibility, capable of processing over 400,000 transactions per second with sub-second finality and low fees. This will unlock a new wave of on-chain applications. Initially, we are focusing on gaming, metaverse, and social experiences. The use cases will likely extend far beyond these sectors. We are not even 100% certain of what can be built with the technology we are creating.
More recent benchmarks look as gas per second.
If you go outside of the EVM ecosystem, you can do a lot better. Note that this TPS is not the same as above, as the tests differ.
Aptos and SUI's real-world live tests have not hit these levels yet. These numbers are based on their benchmarks. The Solana numbers differ from those on the Solana webpage as we are using the real-world observed numbers. Using the same methodology as the article above, Solana’s numbers are significantly worse at 273.34 swaps per second.
Despite this performance increase, we believe the EVM is important. There is already a rich ecosystem of developers and content around the EVM. Not being able to access that ecosystem seems like a missed opportunity. These chains had to make that tradeoff to create the needed performance. But what if we could have similar performance on the EVM?
The bottlenecks we see today with approaches on blockchain implemented with the EVM today are:
Execution speed – The rate at which smart contract code can be executed, and block creation can occur.
Bandwidth — The amount of bandwidth needed to send data between nodes on the network when running at high transaction levels.
When you have a lot of transactions, a lot of data needs to go between nodes
Once you are getting to the world of 100,000’s or even millions of transactions per second you start creating a lot of data.
A standard ERC-20 transfer is about 200 bytes when you consider all its parts. Now, imagine we are doing 1 million ERC-20 swaps per second. That’s 190 MBytes/s or 1.5 GBits/s. It's not going to pass over the public Internet, so you are either going to have a very centralised chain or limit your transaction rate.
However, there is a lot of redundant information in those bytes. The number of bits theoretically required to send a piece of information is the logarithm of its probability of occuring. In practice, the probability distribution of which account is making a transaction, or which contract is being executed, or the arguments to the method being called, is very sharp (often a power law). This means that a minority of those accounts or contracts are highly likely to occur in the data to be sent. For example, if a particular contract was being called by 10% of transactions, its address can be encoded in 3.3 bits. That is a 48x compression ratio on the uncompressed 20 byte address.
This leads to the question of how we can effectively compress the transaction data moving between nodes. There are broadly two forms of compression:
Block compression
Streaming compression
Block compression is given a single block of data, and compresses in a way where the receiver only needs that block of data to decompress it. This is the typical form of compression, such as zip or tar files. It is very convenient because the compressor doesn't need to make assumptions about what other information the client has, or the order that information was sent.
Streaming compression is able to assume that the sender and receiver both share an identical history of the data that was compressed and decompressed, and it uses this assumption to build a large amount of internal implicit information which never needs to be sent over the wire. It can say, "Use the address from 3.456 megabytes ago". For this reason, it achieves much better compression ratios than block compression. The downside, though, is that the sender and receiver must share an identical stream of data, and the 'implicit' data cannot be moved across machines or processes without using a lot of bandwidth, meaning the same process must compress the full stream of data (there are ways around this depending on the compression algorithm but it often requires a large amount of CPU time).
This poses a problem for a blockchain, which typically has each block proposed by a different machine. It forces blockchains to use block-based compression, if anything, significantly impacting the compression ratios they can achieve.
Somnia has a consensus and data availability algorithm designed to support streaming-based compression. Each validator is responsible for publishing their own stream of data to their own blockchain. These are the data chains introduced earlier in this section. The fact that data chains use the same process for publishing this stream unlocks the ability for streaming compression.
A lot of data in Ethereum transactions have a tight power law distribution, making them very compressible. There are, however two important exceptions: hashes and signatures. By definition, these completely change with a uniform distribution if any bit in the transaction is different, making them completely uncompressable (no two executed Ethereum transactions are identical due to nonces, which avoid replay attacks).
Transaction hashes are easy: they are, again by definition, reproducible based on the transaction data itself, so they can simply not be sent (a receiving client is required to recalculate them anyway).
Signatures are more challenging. They are required to be sent alongside each transaction. Due to them being uncompressable, this would heavily limit the compression ratios we are able to achieve on transaction data.
However, we can aggregate signatures if we use the BLS signature scheme. BLS signatures can aggregate any number of BLS signatures into a single signature, effectively achieving a constant size for any number of transaction signatures.
Somnia uses BLS signature aggregation for signature verification speed and, crucially, because it enables a far better compression ratio.
This aggregate cryptography is an optional mechanism to submit batches of transactions, where the cost to verify the signatures of all transactions in the batch is similar to the cost of verifying just one transaction. Using large batches this reduces the cost of signature verification by many orders of magnitude.
In a typical blockchain, one validator is responsible for proposing each block and therefore, publishing the transaction data for that 'slot' of time to all of its peers. If the blockchain throughput is X bytes per second, and there are B blocks per second and N peers, the leader must send N * X / B bytes in 1 / B seconds, requiring an upload speed of N * X bytes per second (some blockchains will fan out in a tree architecture, which still requires the branching factor multiplied by X ).
In comparison, due to Somnia having all peers publish their own shard of data, each peer is responsible for publishing X / (N * B) bytes in 1 / B seconds, requiring an upload speed of X bytes per second. They also need to download everybody else's data for each block, requiring a download of N * (X / N) bytes per second, which is just X.
Note that no less data is being sent overall, but the bandwidth profile has been amortised to be symmetrical across all peers at all times. No peer ever needs to upload at a faster rate than the bandwidth of the blockchain itself, but they need to do this constantly instead of only when they propose a block. This enables the overall blockchain throughput to reach much closer to the bandwidth of the peers themselves.
For Somnia, the main validators of the network will be targeting hardware specs between a Solana and Aptos node. This will allow a large group of participants to join the network but not have sub-par hardware and connectivity. This will ensure the high level of performance needed for real-time mass-consumer applications. There will initially be 100 globally distributed validator nodes. We expect this to grow as the network matures. We also incentivize decentralisation and global footprint for the chain through our tokenomics.
As stated in the introduction the network is secured by validators staking tokens to participate in the network. This is a PoS network similar to other major blockchain networks (e.g. ETH). Node providers are subject to slashing if they act maliciously against the network. This will be further explored in our tokenomics.
A large number of modern blockchains have attempted to scale their execution using parallelism. This means they execute transactions which are unrelated, on different cores. This can work well when the transactions in a block are unrelated, but breaks down when those transactions modify the same state.
The reality, however, is that load spikes mostly happen when there is some event which has caused the spike. This implies a massive correlation between the transactions, which is not normally there in day to day execution.
For example:
A DEX will contain trading on many unrelated asset pairs throughout each day, but their real load spikes will come from volatility on a specific asset pair. These trades will all modify the same state, meaning parallel execution would not have helped.
In other words, parallel execution breaks down exactly when you need it.
This observation is why Somnia has opted to make a single core go extremely fast instead of relying on parallel execution.
So, how does Somnia make a single core go this fast?
Somnia executes EVM transactions. It scales by reaching a very high single-core speed instead of attempting to parallelise over multiple cores.
The EVM is a relatively simple stack-based architecture. Due to the implicit stack, stack-based bytecodes are often naturally smaller in size than register-based bytecodes, but they contain many redundant operations.
There are broadly two ways to execute a VM's bytecode, interpreted or native (which itself can be split into JIT or AOT compilation). The former effectively simulates the VM itself in software, while the latter translates the bytecode to native instructions, which your CPU then executes directly.
Ethereum and most EVM blockchains run an interpreted VM to execute EVM bytecode. This is often a relatively naive implementation which keeps its own stack, loops through each operation, and looks up the functionality of each operation in a lookup table. This is very slow compared to native execution.
Further, Solidity and other Ethereum compilers often optimise for bytecode size over gas. For example, they will include code to generate large constants instead of including them inline. This ends up including a large amount of runtime computation that can actually be statically resolved at compile time.
To exploit these redundancies, Somnia includes its own EVM compiler, which translates EVM bytecode to x86. This approaches near-native speed (native speed being the equivalent functionality handwritten in C++). In benchmarks, this can execute ERC-20 transfers in hundreds of nanoseconds, achieving millions of TPS on a single core.
However, there is no free lunch as the compilation process is relatively expensive. For this reason, you would only do this on contracts that are called frequently, falling back to standard interpreted EVM on the rest.
As mentioned above, "parallel execution", attempting to run unrelated transactions on different cores, breaks down when you need it the most because it cannot handle correlated transactions, which are much more common during load spikes. This type of parallelism is also known as "software parallelism".
For this reason, Somnia does not attempt to parallelise unrelated transactions. It does, however, enable the CPU to hardware parallelise each individual transaction.
This harnesses the single core parallelism available in modern CPUs to speed up every individual transaction, meaning this technique also works for transactions which modify the same state, helping during the load spikes as well.
So, what is hardware-level parallelism?
Modern CPU cores give the appearance that they execute assembly instructions in order, implementing control flow primitives by jumping around the assembly. The reality is that they are actually executing these instructions completely out of order, and often in parallel with each other.
For example, when reading a value from memory, the CPU will run ahead and work on future computation while waiting for the result. This is all completely invisible to the developer. This can cause massive speedups. Consider the case of an ERC-20 token swap. The program, at a high level, completes the following steps in the first half of it's execution:
1. Hash the sender account.
2. Lookup the sender balance using this hash.
3. Hash the receiver account.
4. Lookup the receiver balance using this hash.
5. ...
Let's say the speed to hash an account is 150ns, and the speed to lookup the sender balance is 100ns (a single RAM read).
If the CPU ran these steps in serial, this would take 150 + 100 + 150 + 100 = 500ns. However, in practice, if these steps are compiled to native code, your CPU hardware would execute 1 and 2 completely in parallel to 3 and 4, causing the execution speed to be 250ns, double the speed.
The problem is, interpreting the EVM stops your CPU core from executing assembly in parallel. To really harness the available silicon in your CPU, you need to execute native assembly. Somnia's compiler and database are built to enable hardware-level parallelism of smart contracts.
Somnia then includes a consensus chain, with each consensus block including the current head of every data chain. This chain uses a modified PBFT consensus algorithm and is a typical proof of stake consensus setup. The consensus chain, including the tip of each data chain, provides full security against validators forking their own data chain. Each consensus block then semantically includes all of the transactions in all of the data chains whose tip it advanced. A deterministic pseudorandom ordering of these data chains then provides a single globally ordered stream of bytes to be executed across all data chains.
This setup completely decouples the production and distribution of new data (advancements of the data chains) with the consensus algorithm. It has a number of crucial benefits described below in the Advanced Compression Techniques section (e.g. streaming compression), which let this data frontend reach almost a gigabit per second of published transaction data.
Congratulations. You have successfully deployed the DAO Smart Contract.
Palmera DAO
Hemera / Socialscan
Unstoppable Domains
Sequence, Thirdweb
Most blockchains use an embedded database like or . These databases are often optimised for write throughput and eventually flush all written data to disk to maintain a steady RAM load.
- a proof-of-stake, partially synchronous BFT protocol inspired by .
- By translating EVM bytecode to highly optimised native code, Somnia achieves execution speeds close to hand-written C++ contracts, facilitating the execution of millions of transactions per second on a single core.
- Somnia has a custom database called IceDB. It employs performance reports for predictable read and write performance as well as a custom database architecture that enables average read/write operations 15-100 nanoseconds with built in snapshotting.
- The Somnia data chain architecture is designed to enable streaming compression in order to maximise data throughput. Somnia combines this with aggregation in order to achieve extremely high compression ratios, allowing for massive transaction data throughput. This allows theoretical performance above other preported .
Although many blockchains support the EVM bytecode standard, they all leave much to be desired from a throughput perspective. Below are transactions per second (TPS) figures for a typical UniswapV3 transaction (Dex swaps per second (DPS)), which is 130k gas. As you can see, most chains offer up to ~200 DPS, or ~20M DPS per day. These numbers were taken from :
These are somewhat similar to real world observed numbers (). Note that Uniswaps are a more complex user interaction and are composed of many transactions. Thus these numbers will be higher than above.
These numbers are taken from . To translate this into DPS, it’s about 6.5 DPS for every 1mg/s. So even the fastest chain on this list has a theoretical limit of 650 DPS (about 3700 TPS).
Storage — Retrieval of storing historical data of a chain. Ethereum was a recent upgrade that significantly improved the cost of storage for ETH and other L2s. However, we still need improvements in reading and writing data to blockchains.
Somnia philosophically believes in having sufficiently decentralised services, not maximally decentralised. What this means is that you have enough decentralisation of infrastructure to enable the good properties of decentralisation (increased security, censorship resistance, no single owner/counterparty) whilst not trading off to degrade performance significantly (all decentralisation will inherently decrease performance ).
One of Ethereum's biggest load spikes was the Otherside Otherdeed mint. When this happened, the vast majority of all transactions in each block were all modifying the same state (). Parallel execution would not have worked here.
In Somnia, every validator publishes their own blockchain, their data chain. This innovation was inspired by the 2024 whitepaper “”. Every data chain is completely independent, and each block in a data chain contains a blob of bytes. Only the owning validator ever adds blocks to their data chain, and there are no safety mechanisms in place to avoid them forking their data chain or proposing invalid blocks. In other words, the data chains have no consensus mechanism at all.
Average DPS
Max Recorded TPS
Block Time
Time to finality
BNB Chain
4m 16s
30,000 (cite)
0.9s (cite)
11,000 – 297,000 (cite)
480m/s (cite)
1608 (cite)
12.8s (cite)
The Somnia protocols aim to address three key challenges: enabling the free movement of users and assets, facilitating unrestricted commerce, and accelerating the composability of experiences and objects. With this we hope to increase the value of digital assets, increase their commercial viability and enable accelerated development and experimentation for metaverse applications. Collectively, these protocols establish the foundational layer for a collaborative and open content ecosystem.
We currently have 2 major protocols that will be released:
SOM0 - Enabling interoperability of assets and their commercialization
SOM1 - Enabling composable virtual assets and experiences
Somnia enables fully on-chain games where creators can easily build, modify, and extend games. Developers can create games that live forever on-chain, allowing players to own their in-game assets, modding systems, and worlds that grow continuously without centralized control.
Somnia powers full on-chain social media platforms where users own their accounts and data. Creators aren’t locked into one platform and can freely port their content and followers between ecosystems, ensuring freedom and control.
Somnia is the backbone for metaverse applications where entire economies and ecosystems are built with on-chain ownership and logic. Developers can create worlds with seamless interoperability, allowing assets, avatars, and experiences to cross over between multiple virtual environments.
Somnia’s performance enables fully on-chain limit order books (LOBs), offering price discovery and order matching similar to centralized exchanges but with full transparency and self-custody. This innovation brings more efficiency and fairness to decentralized finance (DeFi).
Somnia’s ultra-fast processing and sub-second finality are designed for real-time, mass-consumer applications. This goes beyond the categories above to places we have not imagined, Ultimately any web2 style application can now be built on web3 rails, offering the best of both worlds. We don’t even know all the possibilities yet and would love for builders to help us discover what is now possible when limits are removed.
We believe in the vision of a world computer. A world where computing is accessible and usable by anyone with an internet connection, where data is shared across a global network that enables composable and interoperable applications. Ethereum started this movement and has provided the backbone for finance. We want to carry that flag for all application classes that can scale and compete with the large-scale web2 market while giving users and builders freedom, ownership and agency. A free and open internet.
SOM0 is the initial set of protocols Somnia will launch with. These are designed to enable interoperability of people, places and objects and allow for commerce to flow across the Somnia network.
Object protocol - This protocol enables: (i) Users to create virtual objects that can exist and move between applications that are part of the Network (and to store metadata about these objects); and (ii) where permitted under relevant licensing terms, also allows Users to adapt existing objects, like NFTs, from outside of the Network to enable them to exist and move between applications on the Network, while storing metadata about such objects.
Attestation protocol - This protocol enables attestations about places, objects, and people made by network participants.
Marketplace protocol - This protocol provides a global liquidity layer which allows dApp owners and creators to sell objects such as NFTs in any virtual experience that is part of the Network.
SOM0 has adopted a blockchain-agnostic approach. This means that all of the Protocols are compatible with multiple blockchain networks, which we refer to as "omni-chain".
The Object Protocol enables content creators to both: (i) create new, virtual objects that are compatible with all applications within the Network; and, (ii) subject to underlying licensing arrangements, import existing virtual objects from outside of the Network and adapt them so that they can be used within applications on the Network. Content creators will also be able to store and access metadata about such objects through the Attestation Protocol.
Once originated or adapted for the Object Protocol, the virtual object (for example, an NFT) is capable of being a tradable asset within Virtual Societies on the Network. This is accomplished by creating a record within an on-chain registry contract that is connected to the applicable virtual object. The registry includes a metadata structure that provides crucial information, enabling the experiences within the Network to understand the data assigned to the associated object. It allows for either linking to an existing object or minting a new one, both of which can represent the ownership of the object.
The Object Protocol handles the registration and management of virtual objects in the Network, allowing application owners to create virtual experiences on various blockchain networks. It ensures that virtual objects from any application in the network can move smoothly between different worlds and applications, no matter where the blockchain originated. This is achieved by indexing the registry across multiple chains through services from ecosystem members, enabling universal access to object details and interoperability across all applications in the Network.
Attestations allow network participants to attest to the authenticity of a virtual object by assigning particular properties to identities, places, and objects on the Network. These attestations can then be used by other network participants for any purpose. Examples of attestations and their value include:
A major brand attesting that a virtual object is an official virtual object (e.g., Nike attesting to say this object is an official Nike virtual shoe). This could then be used by application owners to ensure no counterfeit objects are in their applications.
A KYC provider attesting that the owner of an identity is over 18 years of age. This could then be used by application owner to ensure that no minors are in their applications.
Application owners can use the Attestation Protocol to engage a third-party moderation service to moderate all virtual objects that Network Participants wish to bring into that application. The object moderator could attest that an object complies with the application owner’s moderation guidelines to determine whether or not such an object is permitted within the applications. For example, an application owner of a family-focused application could engage a third-party moderator to review virtual objects and confirm that they contain no violent material. The moderator’s attestation could then be used as a filter by the application owner to ensure no violent content in its application.
The Attestation Protocol is vital for proving the authenticity and ownership of virtual objects. This registry is also global in nature, using a cross-chain approach to verify and record attestations across all open blockchain networks integrated with the Network. This will ensure that all digital assets, identities, and places on the Network are verifiable, regardless of the blockchain on which they were originated.
Each application owner that participates in the Network will be able to sell items within their application, and each content creator within that application will be able to sell their items in the application Owner’s store. Each application owner will be responsible for deploying, operating and maintaining these marketplaces. This includes making a front end (either web-based on in engine), processing payments and other user-facing flows.
The Marketplace Protocol enables all application owners/content creators to upload their items to an intra-application marketplace, one where digital items from any application can be uploaded and sold in the same place. This will be a “one-stop marketplace” for all items available for sale across all applications that are part of the Network.
The Marketplace Protocol will be “omni-chain” to allow for global liquidity and NFTs to be sold between two parties on any two supported open blockchain networks.
Technically, any NFT can be listed for sale in the Marketplace Protocol. However in reality, we expect mostly manufactured virtual objects (i.e., objects created using the Object Protocol) to use it.
It is important to understand that the Marketplace Protocol just provides a platform for this commerce. Applications built on top of this Protocol will determine a ruleset for what can and can’t be sold and the fee structures associated with permitted sales. The Marketplace Protocol only mandates protocol fees and original creator fee’s be upheld.
In very permissive application, all listed objects on the Marketplace Protocol may be sold in all experiences. With no additional fees.
In other applications, it may be necessary for the application owner to accept a listing, creating a curated set of items for sale. With a 2% sales fee for the application owner.
In another application, it may be necessary for the content creator to create a deal directly with the application owner in order to list their object. With a 2% sales fee for the application owner and a further fee for where the virtual object was sold (e.g. a content creator owning an experience selling virtual objects would get 5% of the item’s sale proceeds).
To help application owners create their own marketplace front ends, we have developed a template marketplace front end. This is web-based and allows for all core functionality of a marketplace (listing objects, bidding, buying, etc.). It integrates directly with Web3 wallets for payment and is backed by the Marketplace Protocol.
Making the Marketplace Protocol Omni-chain
The suggested approach is to use a LayerZero protocol, which provides a foundational layer for interoperability between different blockchains. This will ensure that all transactions on the marketplace are secure and that all digital assets retain their value and functionality, regardless of the chain they are moved to.
Engaging with blockchain applications can be a complex task, particularly for users unfamiliar with decentralised applications, web3 wallets, and the mechanics of a blockchain-based ecosystem. The Metaverse Browser aims to address the challenges of accessibility and usability. It's designed to simplify the process of navigating and participating in the Somnia ecosystem, making the application exploration more engaging and rewarding while also abstracting the complexities of blockchain technology for the end-user. This is similar to Warpcast in the Farcaster ecosystem. The browser is an easy-to-use front end (Warpcast) for the back-end protocol/chain (Farcaster/Optimism).
The Metaverse Browser serves as a gamified gateway to the Somnia ecosystem and chain, offering a user-friendly interface for engaging with a variety of content and key decentralised applications (dApps). It provides an immersive, game-like experience with pre-bundled dApps, ensuring a cohesive and interactive journey within the Virtual Society.
To facilitate seamless participation, the Metaverse Browser is equipped with a fully integrated web3 wallet, abstracted from the user, making digital transactions effortless. It also introduces a mobile-like "quest" system, rewarding users for their active participation in events, systems, and social activities, thereby enhancing user engagement within the Somnia ecosystem.
The SOM1 Protocol allows for the creation of composable and interoperable virtual worlds by integrating concepts from blockchain technology and game design architecture.
Blockchains are a substrate that allow untrusted parties to interact with one another based upon a series of composable rules called “Smart Contracts”. Smart Contracts almost always refer to addresses (either Smart Contracts or external users) and define various rules around how they relate to one another.
If you look abstractly, this architecture is in fact quite similar to an Entity-Component-System architecture in-game engine architecture - used for making very composable game worlds.
Entities → Addresses
Systems → Smart Contracts
Components → Data implicit inside Smart Contracts
In order to ensure that what you are doing can truly grow and be extended, we believe the following must be true:
Anybody can introduce any new “subject” into the world through adding a new address
Anybody can introduce any new “ruleset” into the world through adding a new smart contract
Any system is free to introduce any data about any subject
We call this vertical and horizontal composability:
Vertical composability - anybody is able to add new “things” to the world at will, in the form of new addresses
Horizontal composability - anybody is able to add new “systems” to the world, in the form of smart contracts
It’s all about who you listen to. In blockchains you are free to ignore whatever Smart Contract you like - most wallets have dozens of random coins and NFTs airdropped into them that wallet apps automatically ignore for you.
This section outlines the core concepts of the SOM1 protocol.
Everything is an Entity: Every participant, whether it's a user or an object, is an Entity represented by an address. This approach gives objects the same degree of importance as users, enabling a more dynamic and interactive virtual world.
Every entity is an address: Normally users and smart contracts are addresses. In SOM1 to put entities on an equal footing they are all considered an address. To extend an existing NFT to be an object in SOM1 a mapping would need to be created between the NFT and object:
Entities are a set of components: An Entity is defined by its Components, which are features or functionalities added by different parties. These Components are defined in smart contracts, providing transparency and security.
You may wonder why it is implemented this way, rather than a smart contract for each component instance. Implementing it as one contract per type, rather than one contract per instance drastically reduces the trust surface area - you only need to trust a single contract to trust a whole ruleset, rather than potentially thousands of sub-contracts. This also will considerably save on gas costs, as contracts are O(component types) vs. O(entity count)
Component state and actions are defined by _entity prefix methods
This pattern will be familiar to anybody who has coded golang, rust, python, C - the _entity argument to methods functions as a self/this pointer.
By looking at the generated Solidity ABI (a JSON file of the public schema of a smart contract) it’s possible to enumerate:
All single-argument view methods, which constitute the State of an Entity
All _entity prefixed write methods, which constitute the Actions you can take on an Entity via this Component
It’s worth noting that Actions are typical Solidity methods, so could guard their action on being payable, debiting various tokens, etc - this creates the foundation for economic systems, like having to pay a Jukebox to play a track.
The foundations above are very abstract. In this section we outline some of the potential implementations on top of the protocol. We will be releasing an initial set of these for others to build on.
Ownership and Permissions: SOM1 introduces an Ownership Component that abstracts the different modes of ownership, providing utilities for querying the owner. It can also be extended to a Permissions Component handling different roles fulfilled by an Entity.
Name: Referring to Entities as addresses is cumbersome from a UX perspective, and it’s useful to be able to define unique names for addresses across the network. This could be achieved via respecting existing systems like ENS - and this is certainly doable. However it would be useful for SOM1 to have a very cheap naming system that can be used to name any Entity - be it a user, an object, a component definition, etc
NFT metadata: One of the biggest challenges of composing existing NFTs is that the vast majority of them have their metadata off-chain. The Nft Metadata Component would allow Entities associated with an NFT to have their off-chain metadata written back onto the SOM1 protocol via oracles. This would then let other components compose functionality back on top of this.
Component Registries: The SOM1 Protocol allows the creation of Component Registries. These registries help define a set of Component types relevant to a specific context. This would allow creators to define permissions of who can add to registries and experiences to specify which component sets they understand.
Category component: While Entities can be totally arbitrary, in practice game engines are quite opinionated around what core types of things can be spawned in them. a player is very different to a wearable / equipable gadget which is quite different to something spawned on the ground. We’d likely define some base semantic categories that Entities can be, which will aid in game environments understanding in what context to use them, and how to spawn them in the world.
The SOM1 Protocol can support a wide range of applications, from entertainment and gaming to education and virtual workspaces. Here are a few examples:
Moderation and Classification: The protocol can apply moderation and classification to each entity within the virtual world. Different providers using various methods like AI or peer-to-peer human classification can enforce moderation. Virtual experiences can then mandate the existence of a moderation component for any entity loaded into their world.
Autonomous Objects: Objects within SOM1 can have their addresses, making them "autonomous objects". These objects can interact in the virtual world just like any other user, opening the way for new interactive possibilities.
Dynamic NFTs: By extending existing NFTs the SOM1 protocol could enable them to have dynamically updatable metadata. This would allow the NFT to change over time giving in new characteristics and rarity. Imagine a tradable creature that evolves as a player uses it in an experience.
The SOM1 Protocol brings the principles of blockchain and game design architecture together, enabling the creation of highly composable, interactive, and moddable virtual worlds.
The Somnia ecosystem extends far beyond its own blockchain. It also includes a set of omnichain protocols that connect experiences, making them seamless and interoperable.
Somnia has also created a front-end for non-Web3 natives to interact (the metaverse browser) with the network and an experience engine based on the interoperable open-source tech MML (the playground).
Beyond that, various content creation and experience engines are integrated into Somnia today.
Metaverses are end user experiences where people can engage with each other in some form. This could be in an interactive game, a concert style experience or a formal meeting/workplace.
The MSquared project will be one of the major applications to be built on top of the Somnia chain and protocol. MSquared has already supported many high profile public events using its origin platform for partners such as Kosmopop (Twice), MLB and Edison.
These projects are all on the MSquared Network and an ambition of the Somnia project is to use MSquared as a channel for rapid adoption of the protocol and blockchain, these projects are examples of the potential reach we could achieve.
Project Edison - Web3 gaming metaverse. Working with the famous web3 influencer Board Elon Musk Improbable is co-creating a web3 gaming metaverse. Events have varied from minecraft style crafting experiences to large scale races for crypto prizes. Attracting 100’s of consumers to each event and allowing people to be their web3 selves.
Kosmopop - Twice album launch event. Improbable partnered with Universal music to create an album launch event with Twice. Twice fans were able to listen to the new album and interact in a large virtual space.
Victory league - A football focused metaverse. The virtual home of football fandom. Victory league hosts large scale events connecting football fans with influencers and their favourite stars. They have hosted soccer match watch events and meet and greats with football superstars.
The virtual baseball metaverse with a virtual ballpark at the centre of it. Improbable has partnered with MLB to do several events. One of which created a digital replica of a baseball game in real-time allowing fans to be at the game virtually.
Collections are NFT collections that import themselves onto the Somnia protocol. This will then allow them to be associated with interoperable objects/avatars which can be used across experiences. The range of types of collections is quite large but here are some examples:
PFP projects - BAYC, Pudgy penguins, Forgotten Runes
Existing metaverse collections - Sandbox, Decentraland collections
Placeable objects - Runestones, EtherRocks
The browser would be a universal front end which users can use to browse metaverses and mapps on the network. Somnia is building a first party browser, but we imagine a future with a competitive market where anyone can build a browser (similar to game distribution or web3 wallets).
There is already a first browser that is part of the network called the metaverse browser.
Profile viewers are a class of applications that allow users to view themselves, the items they own and their friends. These are similar to Steam accounts but based on on-chain data. We envision these would often be built into the metaverse browser but there could also be Mapps that browsers hook into.
The web-based Playground, is a feature that allows Content Creators to quickly and easily spin up web-hosted Virtual Society experiences in a “sandbox” environment.
The Playground offers a suite of intuitive, web-based authoring tools that facilitate the rapid iteration and publishing of virtual experiences that interoperate with the Somnia Network. This allows Content Creators to test their ideas and creations without having to deploy them onto server infrastructure, thereby saving time and resources. From immersive virtual environments to interactive games and educational experiences, Playground provides a platform for Content Creators to experiment, innovate, and bring their unique visions to life.
In addition to its utility for Content Creators, Playground also serves as a demonstration tool for the Somnia Network. Here, Network Participants can explore how the Protocols and infrastructure can be combined end-to-end to create a digital economy. An example of this is validating that a User owns an object and is only able to spawn it based on ownership (utilising the Object Protocol) or having a shop to sell items from the Marketplace Protocol.
Engines that enable metaverse experiences to be created. These could be rich interactive 3d experiences with 1000’s of people or smaller 2d web experiences. Example engines:
Object creation is a very broad area. This could be an application that enables a user to create an avatar with a simple interface, it could be a rich 3d editor to create an object or some AI generative tool. The key element is the tool helps either a creator or a user create an object/avatar and creates an MML object at the end. Examples:
Avatars are technically just another form of object, but we have broken out avatar creation into a separate bucket as we imagine there will be many tools/libraries specifically for the creation of avatars. Examples would include:
Unreal based platform for creating high-desntiy experiences.
Music and sporting events. Large scale gameplay.
Open web engine (, Playground)
Open source web engines like 3js or the Playground.
Simple easy access experiences
Self hosted server running or
Hosted experience using Unreal or Unity
Any smaller scale multiplayer experience
Web based enabling collaboration
Can create anything
Web based enabling only certain levels of control
Generative AI tool means anyone can create object
Tool is early may not create correct item
Realistic 3d avatar creator
Creating avatars that look like you based on photos.
Create stylised personalized avatars
Creating more stylised avatars.
MSquared Avatar Builder
Create stylised avatars compatible with M2 experiences
Creating random avatars guaranteed to work across M2 experiences
In this guide, we'll integrate RainbowKit with the Somnia Network in a Next.js application. This will enable users to connect their wallets seamlessly, facilitating interactions with the Somnia blockchain.
Before we begin, ensure you have the following:
This guide is not an introduction to JavaScript Programming; you are expected to understand JavaScript.
To complete this guide, you will need MetaMask installed and the Somnia DevNet added to the list of Networks. If you have yet to install MetaMask, please follow this guide to Connect Your Wallet guide.
Familiarity with React and Next.js is assumed.
Open your terminal and run the following commands to set up a new Next.js project:
Install the required Dependencies, which are wagmi
, viem
, @tanstack/react-query, and rainbowkit. Run the following command:
Since wagmi
doesn't include the Somnia network by default, we'll define it manually.
Create a new directory named lib
in the app
directory. Inside this directory, create a file named chains.tsx
and add the following code:
We'll set up several providers to manage the application's state and facilitate interactions with the blockchain.
Create a components
directory in the app folder. Inside the components directory, create a file named ClientProvider.tsx
with the following content:
Every Rainbowkit dApp relies on WalletConnect and needs to obtain a
from WalletConnect Cloud. Get one here.
In the app directory, locate the layout.tsx
file and update it as follows:
We'll create a simple home page that allows users to connect their wallets and displays their address upon connection.
In the app directory, locate the page.tsx
file and update it as follows:
Start the Development Server by running the following command:
Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000. You should see the RainbowKit button, allowing users to connect their wallets to the Somnia network.
You've successfully integrated RainbowKit with the Somnia Network in a Next.js application. This setup provides a foundation for building decentralized applications on Somnia, enabling seamless wallet connections and interactions with the Somnia Network.
For further exploration, consider adding features such as interacting with smart contracts, displaying user balances, or implementing transaction functionalities.
If you encounter any issues or need assistance, join the Somnia Developer Discord.
This guide will focus exclusively on implementing Read Operations, which fetches data from your deployed DAO Smart Contract. By the end of this article, you’ll be able to:
Understand how to read data from your smart contract using viem.
Implement functions to fetch the total number of proposals and specific proposal details.
Integrate these READ operations into your Next.js pages to display dynamic data.
Ensure you’ve completed Part 1 of this series, where you initialized a Next.js project, set up a WalletContext
for global state management, and added a global NavBar
In decentralized applications (dApps), Read Operations involve fetching data from the blockchain without altering its state. In the example DAO Smart Contract, this is crucial for displaying dynamic information such as:
Total Number of Proposals: How many proposals have been created.
Proposal Details: Information about a specific proposal, including its description, votes, and execution status.
These operations are read-only and do not require the user to sign any transactions, making them free of gas costs.
We’ll use the viem library to interact with our smart contract and perform these READ operations.
is the central hub for managing wallet connections and interacting with your Smart Contract. We’ll add two primary READ functions:
: Retrieves the total number of proposals created.
: Fetches details of a specific proposal by its ID.
Functionality: This function calls the totalProposals
method in your smart contract to determine how many proposals have been created so far.
uses publicClient.readContract
to call the totalProposals
function in the Smart Contract. This function returns a BigInt
representing the total number of proposals.
calls the proposals mapping in your contract to retrieve details of a specific proposal by its ID
. It returns a struct containing the proposal's description, deadline, votes, execution status, and proposer.
With the read functions in place, let’s integrate them into Next.js pages to display dynamic data.
Update the index.js
page to show the total number of proposals created in your DAO on the home page.
Here we set the totalProposals
state variable to store the fetched total number of proposals.
The ConnectButton
implements the MetaMask authentication. The useWallet hook parse the function from WalletContext.
The useEffect
Hook is applied on component mount, fetchTotalProposals()
is then called to retrieve the total number of proposals from the Smart Contract.
The page displays a loading message until totalProposals is fetched. Once fetched, it displays the total number of proposals. Users will have to click the ConnectButton to connect their wallets for WRITE operations. See part 3.
This page allow users to input a proposal ID, fetch its details, and display them. Additionally, on the page users are provided options for voting on or executing the proposal.
The following React states are implemented
: Stores the user-inputted proposal ID.
: Stores the fetched proposal details.
: Captures any errors during fetch, vote, or execute operations.
The handleSubmit
function is used to validate the input and connection status. It then calls the fetchProposal(proposalId)
to retrieve proposal details.
We use a Form element for users to input a proposal ID and fetch its details. The Error Display is implemented to show any errors that occur during operations. The Proposal Details displays the fetched proposal information in a styled card.
The card contains Vote and Execute buttons for users to vote YES/NO or execute the proposal if eligible.
For better UX, consider adding loading indicators while fetching data or awaiting transaction confirmations.
Before testing read operations, make sure there are some proposals created:
Load your Smart Contract on the Remix IDE.
Deposit 0.001 ETH to gain voting power.
Create one or more proposals via the Create Proposal page.
Run your application using the command:
Your application will be running on localhost:3000
in your web browser. Check for the following in the User Interface:
Total Proposals: On the Home page, verify that the total number of proposals matches the number you’ve created via Remix IDE.
Fetch Proposal Details: - Navigate to the Fetch-Proposal page. - Input a valid proposalId (e.g., 0 for the first proposal). - Verify that all proposal details are accurately displayed.
Monitor the browser console for any errors or logs that can help in debugging.
In Part 2, you successfully implemented Read Operations in your DAO front end:
: Displayed the total number of proposals on the Home page.
fetchProposal(proposalId): Retrieved and displayed specific proposal details on the Fetch-Proposal page.
Stay tuned for Part 3 of this series, where we’ll dive into building UI Components—crafting forms, buttons, and enhancing event handling to create a more polished and user-friendly interface for your DAO dApp.
Congratulations! You’ve now built a robust foundation for reading data from your DAO smart contract within your Next.js front end. Keep experimenting and enhancing your dApp’s capabilities in the upcoming sections!
Unstoppable Domains offers decentralized domain names that simplify Somnia wallet addresses and identity management.